British Year Twelve Economics Studies AI
United Kingdom A-Level Economics SyllabusThis syllabus outlines the topics covered in the A-Level Economics course, based on the AQA 7135/7136 specification for first teaching from 2015. The course is designed to provide a broad-based knowledge and understanding of economic issues, applying economic theory to analyze current problems and encouraging students to appreciate the interrelationships between microeconomics and macroeconomics. The syllabus emphasizes the development of analytical and quantitative skills, critical thinking, and informed decision-making. AS LevelThe AS Level consists of two papers, each contributing 50% to the final grade: Paper 1: The Operation of Markets and Market Failure This paper covers microeconomic principles, including:
Paper 2: The National Economy in a Global Context This paper covers macroeconomic principles, including:
A-LevelThe A-Level consists of three papers, each contributing 33.3% to the final grade: Paper 1: Markets and Market Failure This paper delves deeper into microeconomic concepts, building upon the AS Level content:
Paper 2: National and International Economy This paper expands upon macroeconomic concepts from the AS Level:
Paper 3: Economic Principles and Issues This paper assesses the application of economic principles to real-world issues, drawing on content from both Paper 1 and Paper 2. It includes multiple-choice questions and a case study. Quantitative SkillsBoth AS and A-Level Economics require competence in quantitative skills, including calculations involving ratios, percentages, means, medians, index numbers, costs, revenues, profits, elasticities, and real values. Students are also expected to interpret and analyze information presented in written, graphical, and numerical forms. The assessment of quantitative skills constitutes at least 15% of the AS Level and 20% of the A-Level marks. |