UAE Grade 2 Islamic Education (for Muslim students)

Unit 1: My Faith Guides Me

  • Allah, the Most Kind (al-Lathif), the All-Aware (al-Khabr): This lesson introduces the concepts of Allah's kindness and awareness. Students learn about manifestations of Allah's kindness and how to treat others with kindness.
  • Surat al-Asr: Students learn to recite and memorize Surat al-Asr, understand its meaning, and reflect on the importance of faith, good deeds, advising truth, and patience.
  • Belief in the Messengers: This lesson covers the stories of Prophets Nuh (Noah) and Ibrahim (Abraham), emphasizing the wisdom behind sending messengers and their qualities.
  • Surat al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers): Students learn to recite and memorize Surat al-Kafirun, understand its meaning, and reflect on the importance of worshipping Allah alone.
  • I Love Good for My Brother: This lesson, based on a hadith, teaches students the importance of loving good for others as much as for themselves.
  • Contentment is an Infinite Treasure: This enriching story reinforces the value of contentment and gratitude for Allah's blessings.

Unit 2: I Am a Clean and Pure Muslim

  • Purification and the Nullifiers of Wudu (Ablution): Students learn about the importance of taharah (purification), the nullifiers of wudu, and the etiquette of relieving oneself.
  • Surat al-Sharh (Solace): Students learn to recite and memorize Surat al-Sharh, understand its meaning, and reflect on the blessings Allah bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Prophet Muhammad Loves to Work: This lesson highlights the Prophet's love for work, his early life as a shepherd, and the importance of earning a livelihood through honest work.
  • Performing Wudu (Ablution) Well: Students learn the steps of wudu and the reward for performing it correctly.
  • Ali ibn Abi Talib: This lesson introduces Ali ibn Abi Talib, his upbringing, his qualities, and his importance in Islamic history.
  • The Purity of Hearts: This enriching story emphasizes the importance of inner purity and the transformative power of the Quran.

Unit 3: Worship Refines Me

  • I Pray (1): Students learn how to perform the Fajr prayer correctly, including the recitation of tashahhud and dua.
  • Excellence of Prayer: This lesson emphasizes the importance of prayer in purifying oneself from bad deeds and drawing closer to Allah.
  • Muhammad, the Truthful and Trustworthy: This lesson focuses on the Prophet's honesty and trustworthiness, his role in resolving the Black Stone dispute, and his ethics in trade.
  • Surat Quraysh: Students learn to recite and memorize Surat Quraysh, understand its meaning, and reflect on the blessings Allah bestowed upon the Quraysh tribe.
  • Trustworthiness: This lesson explores the concept of amanah (trustworthiness), its importance in various aspects of life, and the consequences of khiyanah (betrayal).
  • I Pray (2): Students learn how to perform the Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers correctly.
  • The Master of Morals: This enriching story reinforces the importance of trustworthiness, tolerance, and love in building a harmonious society.

Unit 4: The Virtue of Reciting the Holy Quran (and other topics) - Content not available from provided sources.

Unit 5: Allah, the Almighty Creator (and other topics) - Content not available from provided sources.

Unit 6: Surat At-Takathur (and other topics) - Content not available from provided sources.

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