UAE Grade 6 Health and Physical Education Curriculum

This curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for a healthy and active lifestyle. The Ministry of Education (MoE) implemented a new Physical and Health Education Curriculum in 2017, covering all grades from Kindergarten to Grade 12. It focuses on key areas such as fitness testing and training, health and wellbeing, diet and nutrition, and anatomy and physiology. Some schools offer 100 minutes of PE instruction per week, divided into 4-5 week blocks throughout the school year. The curriculum incorporates the US California State Core Curriculum and the UAE Ministry of Education guidelines.

Health Education

The Health Education component of the curriculum aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various health-related topics. This includes emotional health and conflict resolution, human development and life skills, nutrition and personal health, and the effects of substances such as alcohol and tobacco. In Grade 6, students are introduced to the concept of wellness, encompassing physical, mental, and social well-being. Resources are available to support the teaching and learning of health and wellbeing for children across the UAE.

Physical Education

The Physical Education program develops the knowledge, skills, and attitude to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. It covers a variety of activities and sports, including swimming, football, basketball, netball (girls), rugby (boys). The curriculum is structured around several strands, including invasion games, striking and fielding games, and aquatics. Students also participate in fitness testing and training.


Assessment in Physical Education is used to monitor student learning, identify areas for improvement, and provide feedback to students, teachers, and parents. Assessment methods may include unit packs, term plans, and assessment guidelines. The Emirates School Establishment (ESE) approves assessment systems for all cycles, streams, and methods of learning.

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