UAE Grade 8 Islamic Education Syllabus (Ministry of Education Curriculum)

I. Values and Objectives of Islam

  • Seeking Knowledge: Emphasis on seeking knowledge as a form of worship, comparable to prayer and fasting. Students are encouraged to accompany and learn from scholars and scientists. The curriculum highlights the importance of combining knowledge with practical application.
  • Devotion (Sincerity): Focus on worshipping Allah with sincerity and pure intentions. The curriculum warns against hypocrisy and showing off in religious practices.
  • Brotherhood and Friendship: Promoting the value of brotherhood in Islam and discouraging selfish behavior and disputes. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of choosing good friends and maintaining sincere relationships based on the love of Allah.

II. Divine Revelation

  • Surah Qaf: Memorization and interpretation of Surah Qaf, focusing on its main ideas, instructions, and moral lessons. Students also learn the rules of recitation, specifically the judgments of extension (Maad).
  • Eight Prophetic Traditions (Hadiths): Memorization and understanding of eight selected Hadiths, focusing on their vocabulary, meanings, and practical application in daily life. Students are also encouraged to learn about the narrators of these Hadiths.

III. Judgments and Proprieties of Islam

  • Umrah (Minor Hajj): Learning the rituals and judgments of Umrah, including its significance, pillars, and prohibitions. Students also learn about the different types of sacrifices performed during Hajj.
  • Special Prayers: Understanding the procedures and significance of the prayer of Istisqa (prayer for rain), prayer of Istikhara (prayer for guidance), and the Forenoon prayer.
  • Proprieties of Visiting the Sick and Hospitality: Learning the Islamic etiquette for visiting the sick and showing hospitality, emphasizing compassion, kindness, and respect. Students are also encouraged to learn about the proprieties of traveling.

IV. Fiducial Mentality

  • Belief in Fate and Destiny: Understanding the concept of fate and destiny in Islam, emphasizing that all events occur by the will of Allah. The curriculum highlights the importance of trusting in Allah (Tawakul) while maintaining personal responsibility.
  • Social Sunnah in the Holy Quran: Exploring the social Sunnah (practices and traditions) mentioned in the Quran, including the Sunnah of graduation, duration, cultural rotation, and exploitation. Students learn to analyze these Sunnah and apply their lessons to contemporary social issues. Students also learn about the Quran's approach to presenting the biographies of past nations and how to learn from their experiences.

V. Biography of the Prophet (PBUH)

  • The Prophet (PBUH) as a Father and Grandfather: Learning about the Prophet's (PBUH) family life, focusing on his role as a father and grandfather. Students learn to extract moral lessons and examples from his interactions with his family.
  • Role Models: Studying the biographies of Abu Dhar Al Ghafari and Sayeda Al Shifaa bint Abdullah, highlighting their contributions to Islam and emphasizing their exemplary character traits.

VI. Identity and Belongingness

  • Arabic Language and Other Languages: Exploring the influence of the Arabic language on other languages, particularly before colonization. Students learn to appreciate the richness and adaptability of Arabic and its role as the language of the Quran.
  • Scientific and Technical Backwardness in the Islamic World: Analyzing the causes of scientific and technical backwardness in the Islamic world and discussing potential solutions. Students are encouraged to think critically about the challenges facing the Muslim community and contribute to its progress.

VII. Human and Universe

  • Human Dignity: Emphasizing the inherent dignity and honor bestowed upon all human beings by Allah. Students learn about the Islamic perspective on human rights and the importance of respecting the rights of others.
  • Tolerance: Promoting tolerance and respect for human diversity, emphasizing the Islamic teachings on peaceful coexistence and understanding. Students learn about the limits and controls of tolerance within an Islamic framework.
  • Graces of Allah in the Plant Environment: Exploring the wonders of Allah's creation in the plant world, highlighting the benefits of plants and the importance of environmental stewardship. Students learn about the Islamic perspective on agriculture and the dangers of ecological imbalance.

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