Welcome to the Mills Brothers Harmony Academy, where the legendary sounds of Herbert Mills become your guide to the captivating world of vocal jazz and close harmony singing. Herbert Mills, a cornerstone of the iconic Mills Brothers, wasn't just a singer; he was an architect of sound. His intuitive understanding of harmony, phrasing, and vocal blend helped define an era of vocal jazz. Now, you can learn from the legacy of this musical pioneer. Through this interactive experience, you can delve into the heart of the Mills Brothers' signature sound. Discover the intricacies of creating rich, nuanced harmonies, explore the art of vocal arrangement, and learn how to weave individual voices into a unified, captivating performance. <<>> Whether you're a budding vocalist, an aspiring arranger, or simply passionate about the magic of close harmony, the Mills Brothers Harmony Academy offers a unique opportunity to learn from one of the greats. Let Herbert Mills's legacy inspire your own musical journey. |