South Korea Elementary School Grade 1 Curriculum - Mathematics

This entry details the curriculum for Mathematics in Grade 1 of elementary school in South Korea, based on available information. The curriculum focuses on developing fundamental number sense, basic operations, and introductory concepts of measurement and time.

Numbers and Operations

  • Numbers 1 to 5: Students learn to read, write, and identify the numerals and words for numbers 1 through 5.
  • Numbers 6 to 9: Students match cardinal words and numbers with groups of 6-9 objects.
  • Ordinal Numbers 1 to 9: Students match ordinal words (first, second, etc.) and numbers with groups of 1-9 objects.
  • Zero: Students recognize, write, and match the numeral and word for zero.
  • Number 10: Students write the numeral and word for 10, count up to 10 objects, and match groups of objects to the correct number.
  • Numbers 11 to 20: Students write numerals and words for numbers 11-20, count up to 20 objects, and match groups of objects to the correct number.
  • Place Value: Students use place value to order numbers up to 20.
  • Addition up to 10: Students write simple number sentences representing addition up to 10.
  • Addition up to 20: Students write simple number sentences and perform vertical addition with numbers up to 20.
  • Subtraction up to 10: Students calculate subtraction problems up to 10.
  • Subtraction by Comparison: Students calculate subtraction problems using comparison methods.
  • Subtraction up to 20 and Beyond: Students perform subtraction using tens and units.
  • Numbers 20 to 99: Students identify, name, and add groups of ten, counting to 99.
  • Counting by 1, 2, 5, and 10 to 100: Students skip count to 100 and understand that 100 equals ten times ten.


  • Length: Students compare lengths using informal units of measurement and explore different ways to measure the same object.
  • Weight/Mass: Students are introduced to the concept of mass.


  • Duration: Students estimate and measure the duration of events using informal units, comparing and ordering durations.
  • Minutes: Students recognize the coordinated movements of the hands on an analog clock.
  • Units of Time: Students convert units of time and interpret simple timetables, timelines, and calendars.
  • Telling Time (Digital): Students learn to tell time to the hour and half-hour on a digital clock using "o'clock" and "half past."
  • Telling Time (Analog): Students learn to tell time to the hour and half-hour on an analog clock using "o'clock" and "half past."

Additional Resources

  • Counting 1 to 10 in Korean:
  • Numbers in Korean:

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