South Korea High School Integrated Science Curriculum
This information is based on the 2015 National Curriculum Framework for the Primary and Secondary Schools of the Republic of Korea.
High School Curriculum Overview:
The high school curriculum is electives-centered and divided into four subject areas: Foundation, Inquiry, Physical Education/Arts, and Life/Liberal Arts. It includes general subjects (common courses and elective courses) and specialized subjects.
Integrated Science (Inquiry Subject Area):
- Common Course: Integrated Science (including Science Laboratory Experiments) - 8 units. Science Laboratory Experiments are allocated 2 units and should be implemented without reducing the allocated units.
- Elective Courses (General Electives): Physics I, Chemistry I, Biology I, Earth Science I, Science History, Life & Science, Convergence Science.
- Elective Courses (Career-Related Electives): Agricultural Life Science, General Engineering, Creative Business Management, Maritime Culture & Technology, Home Economics Science, General Intellectual Property.
Unit Allocation:
One unit is equivalent to 50 minutes of teaching for 17 classes. Integrated Science is allocated a minimum of 8 units in the common courses, with an additional 2 units specifically for Science Laboratory Experiments. Schools are encouraged to allocate a total of 12 units for Integrated Science, including the lab experiments.
- Common courses are typically implemented before elective courses.
- Sequentially connected elective courses are implemented in a sequential manner, although schools have flexibility based on school conditions and student needs.
- Schools should offer elective courses if a sufficient number of students wish to take them.
- Schools can acknowledge units earned from other schools or qualified public educational facilities.
Specific Laboratory Experiments:
While the 2015 framework mentions "Science Laboratory Experiments," it does not detail specific experiments. Further information would need to be sourced from other official curriculum documents or resources. It is important to note that the curriculum is revised periodically, so more recent versions may provide additional details. |