South Korea Elementary School 6th Grade Curriculum - Physical Education

The South Korean national curriculum for elementary school physical education, as outlined in the 2015 revised national curriculum (implemented for 6th grade starting March 1, 2019), aims to cultivate students' physical literacy, health, and character development through various activities.

Curriculum Goals:

  • Physical Literacy: Develop fundamental movement skills, improve physical fitness, and build a foundation for lifelong physical activity.
  • Health and Well-being: Understand the importance of physical activity for health and well-being, and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Character Development: Cultivate teamwork, sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for others through participation in physical activities.

Curriculum Content:

The 6th-grade physical education curriculum encompasses a variety of activities and learning experiences, including:

  • Games and Sports: Students learn and practice various games and sports, developing skills in teamwork, strategy, and competition.
  • Gymnastics and Movement: Activities focus on developing body control, coordination, and flexibility through gymnastics and other movement exercises.
  • Rhythmic Activities: Students explore rhythmic movement and expression through dance, music, and other creative activities.
  • Outdoor Activities: Experiential learning in outdoor settings promotes appreciation for nature and encourages physical activity in different environments.
  • Health-Related Fitness: Students learn about the components of health-related fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition) and engage in activities to improve their fitness levels.

Curriculum Implementation:

  • Instructional Time: Physical education is a mandatory subject for 3rd to 6th graders, with a minimum allocated instructional time. The specific number of hours for 5th and 6th grade is included within the total for the 5th-6th grade cluster, which is 204 hours over two years. One instructional hour is equivalent to 40 minutes. This time may be adjusted based on factors such as weather, student development, and school circumstances.
  • Assessment: Assessment focuses on both the process and results of learning, emphasizing student participation, effort, and skill development. A variety of assessment methods are used, including observation, performance tasks, and self-reflection.
  • Integration: Physical education is often integrated with other subjects, such as music, art, and science, to provide holistic learning experiences. It also incorporates cross-curricular themes like health education, character education, and environmental education.

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