South Korea Middle School Grades 7-9 Music Curriculum
The South Korean national curriculum for music education in middle school (grades 7-9) aims to develop students' musical skills, appreciation, and creativity. The curriculum is designed to be learner-centered and emphasizes active participation in various musical activities.
Curriculum Overview:
The music curriculum is part of the Arts subject cluster, which also includes Art. The Arts cluster is allocated 272 instructional hours over the three years of middle school. One instructional hour is equivalent to 45 minutes, but this can be adjusted based on various factors. Schools have autonomy in deciding the specific schedule and implementation of the curriculum. The instructional hours for Physical Education and Arts cannot be reduced.
Key Competencies:
The music curriculum focuses on developing the following key competencies:
- Aesthetic-emotional competency: Students learn to appreciate and understand the value of music in their lives and in different cultures.
- Communication skills: Students develop their ability to express themselves through music and to understand musical expressions of others.
- Creative thinking skills: Students explore their creativity through musical activities such as composing, improvising, and performing.
Learning Activities:
Students engage in a variety of musical activities, including:
- Singing: Performing a diverse repertoire of music, both individually and in groups.
- Playing instruments: Performing a diverse repertoire of music, both individually and in groups.
- Improvising: Creating and exploring music spontaneously.
- Composing: Creating original musical works.
- Listening: Developing critical listening skills and appreciating diverse musical styles.
- Analyzing: Understanding musical elements and structures.
Assessment in music education focuses on both the process and the results of learning. A variety of assessment methods are used, including performance assessments, creative projects, and written assignments. Feedback is provided to students to help them reflect on their learning and improve their musical skills. |