Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Form 5 Subjects (CSEC) - Technical and Vocational > Home Economics Management

This course covers the essential aspects of Home Economics Management, preparing students for effective resource management in various life contexts. The curriculum is based on the CSEC Home Economics syllabus provided by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).

Section One: Family and Society

This section explores the dynamics of family and its interaction with society.

  • Module 1: The Family: This module defines family, describes various family forms in the Caribbean, and assesses relationships within the family structure. It also examines the functions of the family as a social institution, discusses the roles of family members, and defines and describes the stages of the Family Life Cycle, including the challenges faced at each stage. Finally, it identifies the relationships between the family and the community.
  • Module 2: Values, Goals, Conflict Resolution: This module defines values, goals, needs, and wants, discussing the relationship between values and behavior. It explains the processes of value formation and the relationship between values and goals. It also outlines qualities and steps needed for achieving goals, identifies factors that might cause changes in goals, and explains the importance of goal setting for individuals, families, and society. The module also covers steps in decision-making, its importance in management, and ways of resolving family conflicts.
  • Module 3: Population Issues: This module defines terms used in population education and discusses factors affecting a country's population. It explores the relationship between population and resources, identifies social and economic effects of overpopulation on families, and lists family planning methods.
  • Module 4: Caring for Special Groups: This module focuses on the needs and characteristics of various age groups, including newborns, toddlers, preschoolers, adolescents, and the elderly. It covers nutritional guidelines, health considerations, and the importance of play for young children. It also discusses physiological and emotional changes in adolescents and the elderly, along with guidelines for promoting a healthy lifestyle for the elderly and factors to consider when caring for them.
  • Module 5: Work and Work Ethics; Careers: This module defines work and work ethic, discussing the importance of work for individuals and the benefits of cooperative work within families. It covers desirable work attitudes, the importance of health for work performance, and the significance of career exploration.

Section Two: Home and Financial Management

This section focuses on managing home and finances effectively.

  • Module 6: Principles of Management: This module defines management and its resources, explains management processes (planning, organizing, implementing, controlling, and evaluating), and applies these processes to family-related activities. It also demonstrates efficient time and energy use in home and family activities, explains the concept of work simplification, and discusses factors affecting it.
  • Module 7: Money Management: This module defines terms related to money management, including income, expenditure, and budgeting. It discusses the functions of money, how money is earned, and guidelines for wise spending. It also covers reasons for and factors to consider when preparing a budget, along with analyzing a budget's effectiveness.
  • Module 8: Consumerism: This module defines consumerism-related terms, identifies factors determining consumer wants and needs, and identifies methods of payment. It compares consumer and production credit, lists institutions for money transactions, and discusses consumer rights and responsibilities. It also examines the effects of advertising on consumers and manufacturers.

Section Three: Housing and Equipment Management

This section deals with managing housing and equipment efficiently.

  • Module 9: Housing and Maintenance: This module covers the importance of housing, means of acquiring housing, and factors influencing housing choices. It discusses features of different housing types and factors contributing to family well-being. It also covers basic home and environmental care, sources of water supply, water purification and conservation methods, and pest control.
  • Module 10: Safety in the Home, Safety Features of Appliances or Equipment: This module lists types and causes of home accidents and identifies safety practices for preventing them. It outlines procedures for the safe use of small appliances and tools, discusses safety features of electrical appliances, and demonstrates first aid skills.
  • Module 11: Furniture, Soft Furnishings and Accessories: This module covers the advantages and disadvantages of various furniture materials, basic furniture arrangement considerations, and factors to consider when purchasing furniture. It demonstrates furniture care, defines soft furnishings and their uses, and discusses factors determining their choice and use. It also covers refurbishing, recycling, and repairing household articles, making simple soft furnishings and accessories, and the use of floral arrangements.
  • Module 12: Entertainment, Table Setting and Social Graces: This module identifies different types of invitations, explains how to write formal invitations, and outlines the responsibilities of attendees and workers at formal occasions. It defines acceptable social graces at the dining table, terms related to tableware, and the term "place setting." It also demonstrates appropriate table and tray settings and procedures for using and caring for tableware.

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