Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Form 5 Subjects (CSEC) - Creative and Expressive Arts > Music

This course prepares students for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Music examination. The syllabus is structured around three profile dimensions:

  • Listening and Appraising (LIAP): Developing the ability to aurally analyze music, identify structural and expressive elements, and discuss how these elements contribute to different genres and styles.
  • Performing (PERF): Developing technical competence and musical sensitivity in vocal or instrumental performance, demonstrating an understanding of musical structure and style.
  • Composing (COMP): Developing the ability to create and arrange music, expressing musical ideas through the selection and sequencing of sounds. This includes arranging existing pieces and improvising.

Listening and Appraising (LIAP)

Students will learn to:

  • Identify rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, structural, timbral, and expressive elements in music.
  • Describe how these elements are used individually or in combination to create different genres and styles.
  • Describe how expressive elements and timbral effects are used in performance.
  • Appraise musical composition and performance practice within social and historical contexts.
  • Analyze and interpret musical scores to enhance listening and appraising skills.

Content covered includes:

  • Metric patterns and rhythmic features in simple, compound, and irregular meters.
  • Pitch movement, melodic patterns, major and minor tonality, pentatonic, whole-tone, and chromatic patterns, and atonality.
  • Consonance, dissonance, cadences, and modulations.
  • Phrase length, repetition, contrast, variation, development, and common formal and structural patterns.
  • Melodic, harmonic, and timbral textures.
  • Solo instrumental or vocal timbres and registers, ensembles, and other tone timbres.
  • Dynamics, tempi, articulation, and features of expression and interpretation.
  • Genres and styles.

Performing (PERF)

Students will learn to:

  • Demonstrate technical competence and structural awareness during performance.
  • Exhibit ensemble skills.
  • Perform from scores or other visual representations appropriate to their skill level.
  • Perform selected pieces (vocal and instrumental) demonstrating sustained performance and expressive use of musical elements.

Content covered includes:

  • Performing a variety of pieces showcasing manipulative skills and musical expression.
  • Demonstrating technical competence and accuracy in performing scales and arpeggios.
  • Critiquing their own performances and those of others based on established standards and musical criteria.
  • Performing alone and with others, responding to cues and symbols, adjusting balance, and maintaining an independent part when necessary.

Composing (COMP)

Students will learn to:

  • Manipulate various sounds and sound sources, including digital devices, to express original ideas.
  • Use musical elements to achieve aesthetic outcomes.
  • Utilize compositional devices found in different genres.
  • Use notation, electronic, and digital technologies to create, record, and present their compositions.

Content covered includes:

  • Using musical stimuli (e.g., rhythmic and melodic motives, harmonic progressions, tone colors) to generate compositional ideas.
  • Using extra-musical stimuli (e.g., visual arts, literary works, nature scenes) to generate compositional ideas.
  • Composing pieces that demonstrate sensitivity to balance, structure, unity, and style.
  • Creating original compositions in different styles (Caribbean and other).
  • Arranging selected materials (Caribbean and other) with creative input.
  • Recording compositions using various notation methods and digital/electronic devices.

This curriculum aims to provide a comprehensive music education, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a deep appreciation for diverse musical expressions. It equips students with the skills and knowledge for further studies or careers in music-related fields.

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