Samoa Year 13 Food Textiles Technology AI
Samoa Food, Textiles & Tech CurriculumThis curriculum statement outlines the progression of skills and knowledge for students in secondary schools in Samoa, specifically for Food, Textiles & Tech (FTT). It applies to all secondary schools in Samoa, all students regardless of background, and covers Years 9-12. IntroductionThe FTT curriculum equips students with practical life skills for future success. It covers a wide range of topics, including food production, preparation, textiles, design, consumerism, and family care. The focus is on developing practical skills and new techniques. Sustainability is emphasized, particularly in textiles, where students learn about recycling and reusing materials. The curriculum aims to improve individual and family well-being. Curriculum StructureThe FTT curriculum is organized into five strands: 1. Design Process: Covers the principles of design, design decisions in products, and applying imagination and creativity to solve problems. 2. Food and Nutrition: Focuses on food safety, nutrients and their application in food preparation, and food budgeting. 3. Caring for the Family: Explores the changing nature of families, the effect of lifestyle on family members, and family responsibilities. 4. Consumer Responsibilities: Covers consumer rights and responsibilities, responsibilities of service providers, and resource management. 5. Design and Textiles: Focuses on fibers and fabrics, and techniques and processes of textile projects. Each strand is further divided into sub-strands and Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs) for each year level (9-12). Key PrinciplesThe FTT curriculum is guided by five key principles:
General AimsThe FTT curriculum aims to:
Approaches to Teaching and LearningThe FTT curriculum encourages interactive activities like discussions, investigations, problem-solving, and peer work to promote effective learning. It also emphasizes essential skills such as communication, information processing, problem-solving, social skills, self-management, and work and study skills. Assessment and EvaluationAssessment is an integral part of the FTT curriculum. It involves gathering information to make judgments on student performance and program effectiveness. Assessment practices should be fair, valid, open, reliable, and manageable. The curriculum emphasizes ongoing assessment with timely feedback and interventions. Language and CommunicationThe FTT curriculum recognizes the importance of language development, especially for second-language learners. It emphasizes developing language skills in the context of FTT content and activities. Communication skills, including interpreting information and communicating clearly through speaking, writing, and other forms, are also emphasized. Inclusive Education and GenderThe FTT curriculum is committed to inclusive education, ensuring that all students, regardless of background or disability, have access to quality education and opportunities for success. It also promotes gender inclusivity, ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities for both male and female students. Materials used with this curriculum must give learners the opportunities to understand how men and women and girls and boys can have a wide range of occupations, tasks and responsibilities. Materials must also use gender-neutral language where possible. Detailed Strands, Sub-strands, and Learning OutcomesThe document provides a detailed breakdown of each strand, sub-strand, and learning outcome for each year level (9-12). This information is presented in a tabular format, outlining the specific skills and knowledge students are expected to develop in each area. This detailed breakdown is available in the linked PDF document. |