Samoa School Curriculum - Health & Physical Education (Years 1-8)
This curriculum statement provides a framework for Health and Physical Education in Samoa primary schools, focusing on developing students' knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. It emphasizes the holistic concept of soifua maloloina, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. The curriculum is structured around three interconnected strands:
Strand 1: Active Personal Health
This strand focuses on developing students' understanding of themselves, their growth and development, the importance of nutrition and physical activity, and safe and responsible behaviors.
- Identity and Self-Worth: Students explore their personal identity, cultural beliefs, and values, developing a positive sense of self-esteem and recognizing their unique qualities. They learn to appreciate positive and negative experiences and their impact on self-esteem, and examine how social messages and stereotypes can influence self-worth. They also learn about the importance of spiritual beliefs in building identity and self-esteem.
- Growth and Development: Students learn about their bodies, including body parts, functions, and the changes associated with puberty. They track their growth and development, learning about the importance of healthy bones, blood, and organs like the heart and lungs. They also explore the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes associated with puberty.
- Nutrition and Physical Activity: Students explore the importance of food, learn about different food groups, and distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food choices. They develop an understanding of energy balance (energy input versus output) and the importance of regular physical activity for maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being. They learn about the benefits of local fruits and vegetables and develop healthy dietary and exercise habits.
- Safety and Responsible Behaviour: Students learn about personal hygiene, sanitation, and how to protect themselves from illness and harm, including skin infections and worm infestations. They learn about different types of abuse (physical, neglect), how to recognize and respond to unsafe situations, and where to seek help and support. They also explore the links between smoking, alcohol, drugs, stress, and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Strand 2: Active Human Movement
This strand focuses on developing students' movement skills, physical fitness, and understanding of sports science and technology, while promoting positive social and cultural interactions.
- Fundamental Movement Skills: Students develop and refine fundamental movement skills (locomotor, stability, and manipulative), progressing from basic movements to more complex combinations and sequences. They learn to control their movements, adapt to challenging situations, and apply their skills in various physical activities and games.
- Fitness for Living: Students learn about the components of physical fitness, the benefits of regular exercise, and the importance of warm-up and cool-down activities. They develop and implement daily exercise programs, explore how their bodies respond to different types and intensities of physical activity, and learn about recovery training.
- Sports Science and Technology: Students explore how sports apparel, equipment, and facilities can enhance physical activity and performance. They learn about body measurements, the importance of hydration, and the use of media technology in physical activities. They also investigate the design features of sports equipment and facilities.
- Socialization: Students develop social and cultural skills through physical activities, learning about cooperation, sharing, fair play, sportsmanship, and respect for others. They explore the role of rules and instructions in physical activities and develop leadership skills. They also learn about the importance of trusting teammates and responding appropriately to the decisions of officials.
Strand 3: Active Family and Community Health
This strand focuses on promoting health within the family and community, developing positive relationships, practicing responsible behaviors, and understanding the influence of cultural attitudes and beliefs.
- Health Promotion: Students participate in and promote special health events and campaigns, learning about their importance in improving community health. They explore creative ways to convey health messages and advocate for healthy lifestyles.
- Relationships: Students learn about the importance of positive relationships with family, peers, and community members. They explore concepts such as respect, honesty, trust, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and commitment, and learn how to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts peacefully. They also examine how individuals and groups can influence behavior and relationships.
- Protection and Responsible Behaviour: Students learn about road safety, water safety, and first aid techniques. They practice safety drills for various hazards and disasters (fire, earthquake, flood, cyclone). They also learn about safe practices related to medicines and poisons.
- Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices: Students explore how cultural attitudes and beliefs influence health behaviors and practices. They identify positive and negative attitudes and develop strategies to overcome negative influences. They also examine how positive attitudes and beliefs can contribute to achieving personal and community health goals.