Samoa Year 5 Curriculum - Mathematics
This information is derived from the Samoa Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture's Primary School Curriculum document.
Number and Operations
- Whole Numbers: Students count, order, read, write, partition, and regroup numbers up to at least 99,999. They select and apply appropriate mental, written, or calculator strategies for the four operations.
- Addition and Subtraction: Students select and apply appropriate strategies for addition and subtraction with counting numbers up to five digits.
- Multiplication and Division: Students select and apply appropriate and efficient mental, written, or calculator strategies for multiplication and division and interpret their solutions. They explore prime and composite numbers and use formal written algorithms for multiplication (with one-digit operators) and division (with single-digit operators).
- Fractions and Decimals: Students model, compare, represent, order, and calculate with decimals and fractions (including twelfths) with the same denominators. They also work with benchmark percentages, add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, add and subtract decimals with different decimal places, multiply simple fractions by whole numbers, calculate simple percentages of quantities, and multiply and divide decimals by whole numbers. They solve problems involving the four operations with money in authentic situations.
- Chance: Students place the likelihood of simple events in order on a number line from 0 to 1 using chance words and data from chance events. They compare and contrast the likelihood of outcomes of experiments with small numbers of trials versus large numbers of trials.
Patterns and Algebra
- Students record and describe geometric and number repeating and growing patterns that involve multiples and one operation, using words. They construct, verify, and complete number sentences involving one operation. They also build, verify, and complete number sentences involving the four operations with a variety of numbers. Students analyze and describe change in growing patterns and use tables and graphs to make and test predictions.
Data Analysis
- Students undertake investigations, collect and display data using picture graphs, column graphs, and line graphs with many-to-one scales. They read and interpret data presented in these graph types.
- Length: Students select and apply the appropriate unit and tool to measure lengths, distances, and perimeters. They carry out simple unit conversions within each measurement system (metric and imperial) and explore the effect of the selected unit on the precision of measurements. They also develop, understand, and use a formula to calculate and compare perimeters of squares and rectangles and develop strategies for estimating perimeters of irregular shapes.
- Area: Students identify and use the appropriate unit to calculate the area of squares and rectangles and recognize the need for larger formal units (square kilometers, hectares, and square miles). They convert between area units within each measurement system and investigate the relationship between length, breadth, and area of squares and rectangles.
- Volume and Capacity: Students estimate and measure the volume and capacity of rectangular prisms. They understand the need for, and use, larger formal units (cubic meters, cubic feet, and gallons) to measure volume and capacity. They choose appropriate formal units to estimate, measure, and compare capacity and volume and explore multiple ways of determining the volume of rectangular prisms. They convert measurements from one unit to another within each measurement system.
- Mass: Students understand the need for, and use, larger formal units (tonne and tons) to measure mass. They choose appropriate units to measure mass and convert between kilograms and grams and between pounds and ounces.
- Time: Students use am and pm notation in authentic situations, estimate and measure the duration of events, compare Pacific time zones, interpret timetables, and construct and interpret timelines with scales.
Space and Geometry
- Three-Dimensional Space: Students distinguish between different types of prisms (triangular and rectangular) based on their properties. They visualize, draw, and construct 3D objects given sketches of different views.
- Two-Dimensional Space: Students rearrange, label, compare, classify, and draw 2D shapes and describe side and angle properties. They identify right-angled, isosceles, equilateral, and scalene triangles. They also identify and draw regular and irregular triangles and quadrilaterals from descriptions and enlarge and reduce shapes. They identify shapes that have line symmetry and explore and generalize side and angle properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.
- Position: Students interpret and use scales on maps and plans and recognize that the same location can be represented by maps or plans using different scales.