Samoa Year 4 Curriculum - Science
Strand 1: Nature of Science
This strand focuses on developing an understanding of science as a process and a way of thinking. It emphasizes "learning about science" and "doing science." Students will:
- Share ideas about how things work and how natural phenomena occur.
- Investigate their surroundings through observation, exploration, and experimentation.
- Develop explanations for their observations and compare them with existing scientific knowledge.
- Critique their own work and the work of others.
- Use tools and equipment to gather data and extend their senses.
- Design and conduct simple experiments to answer questions.
- Communicate their observations and findings in various ways, including verbally, pictorially, and in writing.
- Apply their scientific learning to everyday situations.
Strand 2: The World of Life
This strand explores living things, their structures, functions, and life processes. Students will:
- Recognize the key structures of plants and their functions in carrying out life processes.
- Group different types of plants according to their observable properties.
- Recognize the ways in which living things are important to each other and their environment.
Strand 3: The World and Beyond
This strand investigates the Earth, the solar system, and the universe. Students will:
- Recognize the different forces that shape the land, including natural events and human actions.
- Recognize the different timescales for changes that have formed the Earth.
- Recognize that people use the Earth's resources to stay alive, and that some of these resources are non-renewable.
Strand 4: The World of Materials
This strand focuses on the properties of materials and how they can be changed. Students will:
- Measure the properties of some common fabrics.
- Recognize that some changes brought about by heating and cooling are reversible, while others are permanent.
- Explore the uses of common materials and relate these to their observed properties.
Strand 5: The World of Physical Phenomena
This strand explores physical phenomena such as forces, motion, electricity, and heat. Students will:
- Recognize the effect of friction on the motion of objects.
- Recognize the effects of static electricity.
- Recognize the different ways that animals keep warm (or cool).