Samoa Year 3 Curriculum - Science

This curriculum is based on the Samoa Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture's (MESC) Primary Science Curriculum document (January 2013).

Strand 1: Nature of Science

This strand focuses on developing scientific thinking and inquiry skills. It emphasizes "learning about science" and "doing science." Year 3 students will:

  • Understanding about Science: Develop awareness that there may be multiple explanations for events and phenomena. They will compare ideas, check explanations against existing knowledge, and critique their own work and the work of others.
  • Investigating in Science: Extend their understanding of the natural world through observation, exploration, and generating ideas to answer questions. They will plan and conduct simple investigations and experiments, use tools to gather data, and develop explanations based on evidence.
  • Communicating in Science: Build their scientific language and represent their understanding of the natural world. They will communicate observations and explanations verbally and in writing, using scientific vocabulary and symbols.
  • Participating and Contributing: Apply their science learning to daily life. They will describe recycling practices and discuss animal care.

Strand 2: The World of Life

This strand explores living things, their characteristics, and their interactions with the environment. Year 3 students will:

  • Recognize similarities and differences in the observable properties of plants and animals. They will describe these characteristics and compare members of plant and animal families.
  • Recognize that living things can be grouped according to observable properties. They will use simple classification keys based on these properties.
  • Relate observable features of plants and animals to their habitats. They will describe how these features enable organisms to survive in their environments.

Strand 3: The World and Beyond

This strand investigates the Earth, the solar system, and the universe. Year 3 students will:

  • Recognize some properties of stars. They will observe patterns in the night sky, map constellations, and explain the relative size and temperature of stars based on distance from Earth.
  • Recognize the relationship between the Sun and daylight. They will explain the day-night cycle, describe changes in the sky, and relate temperature changes to the Sun's position.
  • Recognize the importance of the Sun for life on Earth. They will explain the Sun's role for people and plants and describe how solar energy is used in their community.

Strand 4: The World of Materials

This strand focuses on the properties and uses of materials. Year 3 students will:

  • Recognize that groups of similar materials have similar properties. They will compare the properties of metals and other materials.
  • Recognize that some materials change when exposed to air or water. They will compare materials in different environmental conditions and classify them based on solubility.
  • Explore the uses of similar materials. They will describe the uses of metals and relate them to their observable properties.

Strand 5: The World of Physical Phenomena

This strand explores physical phenomena such as forces, motion, light, and sound. Year 3 students will:

  • Recognize how pushes and pulls affect an object's motion. They will relate speed to force, describe changes in motion, and give examples of pushes and pulls in everyday life.
  • Recognize the conditions under which an object floats in water. They will compare the buoyancy of different objects, modify objects to change their buoyancy, and predict whether objects will float or sink.
  • Recognize different ways of making and changing sounds. They will describe methods of sound production, explain how to change sound properties, and design simple instruments.

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