Samoa Year 3 Social Science Curriculum
Strand 1: Society, Culture and Heritage
- How leadership of groups is acquired and exercised, and how and why people make and implement rules and laws.
- How practices of cultural groups vary but reflect similar purposes, and ways in which the movement of people affects cultural diversity.
Strand 2: Place and Environment
- How different groups view and use places and the environment.
- How and why people express a sense of belonging to particular places and environments.
Strand 3: Resources and Economic Activities
- How and why people manage resources.
- How and why different systems of exchange operate.
Social Studies Processes:
- Inquiry: Students learn to collect, process, and communicate information about human society.
- Values Exploration: Students explore and analyze values.
- Social Decision Making: Students make decisions about possible social action.
Essential Learning about Samoa:
- Development and expression of identity - personal, collective, national. Example topic: "Me and Mine."