Samoa School Syllabus - Agricultural Science

This syllabus outlines the curriculum for Agricultural Science in Samoa secondary schools, covering Years 9-12. It is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed for the agricultural industry, further studies, and sustainable agricultural practices.


Agricultural Science focuses on improving and developing production methods, such as irrigation and pest control, to enhance the quality and quantity of agricultural products. This differs from agriculture, which is the practice of growing plants and raising livestock. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of schools in agricultural education, connecting food production with nutrition and environmental awareness, and preparing students to address global challenges like poverty and climate change.

Curriculum Structure

The curriculum is structured around General Aims, Strands, Sub-strands, Major Learning Outcomes, Learning Outcomes, Approaches to Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Evaluation, Essential Skills, Key Principles, Values, Language, Gender Issues, Inclusive Education, Time Allocation, and Safety.

General Aims

The curriculum aims to enable students to:

1. Develop knowledge and skills for utilizing resources effectively. 2. Enhance their potential for agricultural careers or further studies. 3. Adopt sustainable agricultural techniques and appropriate technology to benefit communities. 4. Increase understanding of agricultural technology and its environmental impact. 5. Practice sustainable farming methods to address climate change.


The curriculum comprises six strands:

  • Agriculture
  • Soils
  • Farm Management, Economics, and Marketing
  • Crop Production
  • Animal Production
  • Tools, Equipment, and Facilities

Each strand incorporates information on climate change impacts and adaptation methods, along with agricultural investigation skills.

Approaches to Teaching and Learning

The curriculum emphasizes interactive activities like discussions, investigations, problem-solving, and peer work to promote deep thinking. It also encourages discussing objectives, providing feedback, and allowing students to participate in assessment planning.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment is integral to the curriculum, focusing on collecting evidence of student learning to determine progress and inform improvements. It involves diverse assessment practices, using local resources, providing ongoing feedback and support, reporting to parents, and involving students in self-assessment. Assessment purposes include:

1. Assessment for learning (diagnostic) 2. Assessment as learning (outcomes-based) 3. Assessment of learning (summative)

Essential Agricultural Science Skills

Essential skills to be developed include communication, problem-solving, aesthetic judgment, social and cultural skills, work and study skills, integrating knowledge, and using technology effectively. The curriculum details skill progression from Year 9 to Year 12 in areas like managing plant growth, product development, and investigation.

Concepts and Values

The curriculum integrates concepts of health and well-being, emphasizing Samoan cultural values, including respect, love, service, hospitality, and positive relationships. It also addresses the importance of religious beliefs, cultural practices, and Samoan identity in a changing society.

Gender and Inclusive Education

The curriculum promotes gender inclusivity, ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities for all students, regardless of gender stereotypes. It also supports inclusive education, providing appropriate programs for students with special needs or at-risk due to social or economic circumstances.

Time Allocation and Safety

The recommended time allocation for each strand is provided, along with a strong emphasis on safety in all aspects of teaching Agricultural Science, including the use of safety equipment and procedures for handling chemicals.

Agricultural Science Overview

The syllabus provides a detailed overview of each strand, outlining the major learning outcomes and key learning outcomes for each year level (9-12). This overview maps the progression of learning across the strands, from introductory concepts to more advanced applications and investigations. Specific learning outcomes are detailed within each strand, outlining the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. The syllabus also includes a glossary of terms and references for further information.

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