Saudi Arabia Grade 2 Curriculum - Islamic Studies
Course Entries:
Unit 1: My Faith Guides Me
- Allah, the Most Kind (al-Latif), the All-Aware (al-Khabir)
- Students learn that Allah is kind and aware of everything.
- Students identify manifestations of Allah's kindness.
- Students learn how to treat others with kindness.
- Surah Al-Asr
- Students learn to recite Surah Al-Asr correctly and with proper pronunciation.
- Students understand the meaning of the Surah and its message about time, faith, good deeds, and patience.
- Students learn that success comes from faith, good deeds, advising others to truth, and patience.
- Belief in the Messengers
- Students learn about Prophets Nuh (Noah) and Ibrahim (Abraham).
- Students understand the wisdom behind sending messengers.
- Students identify the qualities of prophets and messengers.
- Surah Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)
- Students learn to recite Surah Al-Kafirun correctly and with proper pronunciation.
- Students understand the meaning of the Surah and its message about not worshipping false gods.
- I Love Good for My Brother (Hadith)
- Students learn a hadith about loving good for others as much as for oneself.
- Students understand the meaning of the hadith and its message about treating others with kindness and compassion.
- Unit 2: I Am a Clean and Pure Muslim
- Purification and the Nullifiers of Wudu (Ablution)
- Students learn the meaning of taharah (purification).
- Students identify the things that invalidate wudu.
- Students learn the etiquette of using the toilet.
- Surah Al-Inshirah (Solace)
- Students learn to recite Surah Al-Inshirah correctly and with proper pronunciation.
- Students understand the meaning of the Surah.
- * The Prophet Muhammad Loves Work
- Students learn that the Prophet Muhammad worked as a shepherd.
- Students identify some of the qualities of the Prophet Muhammad at work.
- * Performing Wudu (Ablution) Well (Hadith)
- Students learn a hadith about the reward for performing wudu properly.
- Students learn the dua recited after wudu.
- Students learn about Ali ibn Abi Talib's lineage and upbringing.
- Students identify some of the qualities of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
- Unit 3: Worship Refines Me
- I Pray (1)
- Students learn how to perform Fajr prayer.
- Students learn the tashahhud and dua al-Istiftah.
- * Excellence of Prayer (Hadith)
- Students learn a hadith about the importance of prayer.
- * Muhammad, the Truthful and Trustworthy
- Students learn how the Prophet Muhammad solved the problem of placing the Black Stone in the Kaaba.
- Students learn about the Prophet Muhammad's ethics in trade.
- Students learn to recite Surah Quraysh correctly and with proper pronunciation.
- Students understand the meaning of the Surah.
- Students learn the concept of amanah (trustworthiness).
- Students understand the importance of trustworthiness and the harmful effects of betrayal.
- Students learn how to perform the four-rakah prayers.
- Students learn the dua recited after prayer.
- This curriculum also includes additional topics such as:
- The Angels
- The Books of Allah
- The Prophets of Allah
- Istinja
- The Five Pillars of Islam
- The Masjid
- How to Perform Wudu
- Adhan (The Call to Prayer)
- Dhikr and Dua
- Telling Lies
- Truthfulness
- Stealing
- Etiquette of Talking
- Etiquette of Going Out and Walking
- Zakah
- Fasting in the Month of Ramadan
- The Pilgrimage
- The Islamic Calendar