Saudi Arabia Grade 2 Curriculum - Mathematics

Numbers and Operations

  • Simple addition up to 20: Students practice addition with numbers up to 20, including writing number sentences and vertical addition.
  • Subtraction by comparison: Students learn to solve subtraction problems using comparison methods.
  • Subtraction up to 99: Students practice subtraction with numbers up to 99, including writing number sentences and the concept of borrowing/renaming.
  • Multiplication using equal groups and repeated addition: Students explore multiplication through equal groups and repeated addition, learning to write about and count these groups.
  • The multiplication sign: Students are introduced to the multiplication sign and solve simple multiplication problems.
  • Strategies for division: Students learn strategies for division, including sharing objects equally.
  • Multiples of 10 up to 100: Students learn to read, write, rename, and add multiples of ten.
  • Numbers 20 to 99: Students identify, name, and add groups of ten, counting up to 99.
  • Counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100: Students practice skip counting to 100 and understand that 100 equals ten times ten.
  • Addition to 99: Students use place value to add two 2-digit numbers up to a total of 99.


  • Compare length by using informal units of measurement: Students measure objects and compare their lengths using informal units.
  • Using the meter as a formal unit to measure perimeter: Students learn to calculate the perimeter of different shapes in meters.
  • Using the formal unit of the centimeter to measure length and perimeter: Students measure length and perimeter in centimeters.
  • Introduction to volume using the cubic centimeter: Students are introduced to the concept of volume and use cubic centimeters as a standard unit.
  • Introducing the concept of mass: Students are introduced to the concept of mass.


  • Describing position: Students use conventional location language to describe position.

Data Analysis

  • Pictograms: Students organize, read, and summarize information in picture graphs.
  • Bar Charts: Students organize, read, and summarize information in column graphs.


  • Months and seasons of the year: Students name and order the months and seasons, and know the number of days in each month and months in each season.
  • Quarter past and quarter to: Students associate the numerals 3, 6, and 9 with 15, 30, and 45 minutes, and use the terms "quarter to" and "quarter past".
  • O'clock and half past on the analog clock: Students use the terms "o'clock" and "half past" and read hour and half-hour time on an analog clock.


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