Saudi Arabia Grade 3 English Arts AI
Saudi Arabia Grade 3 - English Language ArtsThis course outline is based on information available from FutureSchool, which may not be a complete representation of the official Ministry of Education curriculum. Literacy Topics: 1. Modal Verbs: To identify and use modal verbs with the appropriate form of the main verb. 2. Simple Verbs: To identify and use verbs, understanding their function as action words, states of being, or ownership. 3. Adverbs: To identify and use adverbs, understanding their function in modifying verbs. 4. Common Nouns: To demonstrate understanding that a common noun names an object or thing. 5. Proper Nouns: To demonstrate understanding that a proper noun names a person, place, or title. 6. Collective and Abstract Nouns: To identify and use collective and abstract nouns. 7. Modals of Obligation: To learn about and use modals of obligation. 8. Imperatives: To learn how to use imperative sentences. 9. Contractions: To identify and use contractions. 10. Apostrophe – Possession: To use the apostrophe to show possession correctly. 11. Clauses: To identify and use clauses, including adjectival, adverbial, and noun clauses. 12. Subject and Predicate: To identify the subject and predicate within a sentence. 13. Time Clauses: To learn how to use time clauses. 14. Verbs – Tense: To identify and use the correct tense of verbs: past, present, and future. 15. Simple and Compound Verbs: To identify and use simple and compound verbs. 16. Auxiliary Verbs: To identify and use auxiliary verbs within compound verbs. 17. Regular and Irregular Verbs: To identify and use regular and irregular verbs in the present and past tenses. 18. Verbs – Infinitives: To identify and use the infinitive form of the verb. 19. Simple Present: To learn the correct structure for the simple present tense. 20. Present Perfect: To learn the correct structure for the present perfect tense. 21. Present Continuous: To learn about the present continuous tense. 22. Past Continuous: To learn about the past continuous tense. 23. The Future with 'will' and 'going to': To learn the uses of 'will' and 'going to' to talk about the future. 24. Giving Facts and Opinions: To use phrases that ask for and give opinions. 25. Talking about Feelings: To use constructions for talking about feelings. 26. Adverbs of Frequency: To learn about and use adverbs of frequency. 27. Spelling: To correctly spell words after adding suffixes: 'ing', 'ed', 'er', 'est'. 28. Vowels and Consonants: To identify and use vowels and consonants. 29. Vowels – Long and Short: To identify long and short vowel sounds and their use. 30. Plurals 1 – Simple: To form plurals by adding 's' and 'es' correctly. 31. Plurals 2 – Special Rules: To form plurals with special rules (e.g., words ending in 'y' and 'f'). 32. Homonyms: To identify and use correctly homonyms, both homophones and homographs. 33. Expressing Likes and Dislikes: To use phrases to express likes and dislikes. 34. A New Penfriend: To develop reading comprehension skills by reading a letter of introduction to a penfriend, practicing the present continuous tense, and learning vocabulary about different nationalities. 35. Will We Have Robots?: To develop comprehension skills by reading a text in which the future tense is used. 36. Commas 2: To use commas to separate places, clauses within sentences, and when using direct speech. 37. Colons and Semi-Colons: To use colons and semi-colons correctly. |