Saudi Arabia Grade 6 Islamic Studies Curriculum

This curriculum is based on the "Steps to Perfection" series, designed under the guidance of Moulana Nabi Raza Abidi. It strives to build upon a strong Islamic foundation developed in earlier grades, focusing on four core areas: Aqid (beliefs), Fiqh (Islamic law), History & Islamic Knowledge, and Akhlaq (manners).

Aqid (Beliefs)

Tawhid (Oneness of God)

This section emphasizes the concept of Tawhid, focusing on proving God's existence through the proof from design. It explores Allah's positive (a-Sift ath-Thubtiyah) and negative (a-Sift as-Salbiyah) attributes. The curriculum also covers the concept of Adalah (Divine Justice), exploring why suffering exists in the world, and the concept of Nabuwah (Prophethood), discussing the necessity of Prophets and their characteristics, including infallibility (Ismah). Finally, it covers Imamah (Divine Leadership), explaining the necessity of Imams and the characteristics of an Imam, with a focus on the 12th Imam.

Qiyamat (Day of Judgement)

This section delves into the concept of Ma'ad (life after death), commonly referred to as Qiyamat (Day of Judgement). It discusses the Book of Deeds, the weighing of deeds (al-Mizan), the bridge (as-Sirat), and the final destination (Jannah or Jahanam). The curriculum also explores the concept of intercession (Shafa'ah) by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) and his Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).

Fiqh (Islamic Law)

Taharah (Ritual Purity)

This section covers the concepts of Najasah (ritual impurity) and Mutahhirat (purifying agents). It details the different types of Najasah, including inherent impurity ('Ayn an-Najis) and the methods of purification. The curriculum also explores Tayammum (dry ablution) as an alternative to Wudu and Ghusl in specific circumstances.

Salat (Prayer)

This section reviews the steps and meaning of Salat, including the importance of understanding the meaning of recitations. It also covers the Wajib acts of Salat, differentiating between Rukn (essential parts) and Ghayr Rukn (non-essential but obligatory parts). The curriculum addresses doubts (Shukuk) that may arise during prayer and their remedies, including Salat al-Ihtiyat (precautionary prayer) and Sajdah as-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness). It also discusses Qunut (supplication in prayer) and Taqibat (recitations after prayer). The section further details the requirements for clothing and the place of prayer, as well as the Mubaatil as-Salat (things that invalidate prayer).

Sawm (Fasting)

This section explores the significance of the month of Ramadan and the benefits of fasting. It also covers exemptions from fasting, differentiating between those who are permanently exempt and those who must make up missed fasts (Qada). The curriculum also discusses the rules of fasting while traveling.

Hajj (Pilgrimage)

This section introduces the concept of Hajj and the conditions that make it obligatory. It details the two parts of Hajj at-Tamattu': Umrah at-Tamattu' and Hajj at-Tamattu'. The curriculum further explores the Wajib acts of Umrah, including Tawaf (circumambulation of the Kaaba), Salat ul-Tawaf, Sa'i (walking between Safa and Marwa), and Taqsir (trimming hair or nails).

Other Furū' ad-Dīn

This section covers Khums (one-fifth tax), Jihad (struggle in the way of Allah), Amr bil Ma'ruf (enjoining good), Nahi anil Munkar (forbidding evil), Tawalla (loving the friends of Ahl al-Bayt), Tabarra (dissociating from the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt), and Ijtihad & Taqlid (independent legal reasoning and following a religious authority). It explains the importance of these concepts and their practical application in a Muslim's life.

Halal and Haram Food and Drink

This section discusses the Islamic dietary laws, detailing the permissible (Halal) and forbidden (Haram) foods and drinks. It covers the rules for slaughtering animals according to Islamic law and provides guidelines for eating at restaurants. The curriculum also addresses the prohibition of alcohol and its harmful effects.

History & Islamic Knowledge

This section focuses on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), starting from the period before the Hijrah (migration to Medina) and covering key events until his death. It also explores the early years of Islam after the Prophet's death, including key battles and events leading up to the tragedy of Karbala.

Akhlaq (Manners)

This section covers various ethical and moral principles, including gaining knowledge, generosity, avoiding wastage, greed, arrogance, complaining, cheating, positive thinking (Husn adh-Dhann), respect for parents, friendship, brotherhood/sisterhood, the Nafs (self), obedience, sins and their effects, and Taqwa (God-consciousness). It emphasizes the importance of good character and its role in a Muslim's life.

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