Saudi Arabia Intermediate School Curriculum - Home Economics (for girls)

Home Economics Education at King Faisal University (KFU)

The Home Economics Department at King Faisal University (KFU) was established in 1978 within the College of Agriculture and Food Sciences. The program aimed to improve home and family life in Saudi Arabia, train women for professional careers, conduct research on local living conditions, and promote community development projects.

Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate program offers specializations in Home Economics Education, Food and Nutrition, and Family and Child Development. The curriculum includes university requirements, general education courses, basic home economics requirements covering areas such as family and child development, family health, food and nutrition, home management, housing, textiles and clothing, and home economics education. Students also complete compulsory courses and electives within their chosen specialization. The program has been revised based on feedback from graduates and supervisors to enhance professional training, particularly for teaching careers.

Graduate Program (M.Sc. in Home Economics)

A graduate program leading to a Master of Science degree in Home Economics was established in 1985, initially offering specializations in Home Economics Education and Food and Nutrition, with Family and Child Development added later.

Practical Training

Practical training is a key component of the curriculum. Students gain hands-on experience in science labs, food preparation labs, clothing construction labs, art and home furnishing labs, child care labs, and home management labs. Practice teaching is conducted at girls' schools, primarily at the intermediate and secondary levels. A Dietetic Internship Program provides training in diet therapy at King Fahad University Hospital, including lectures by physicians, dieticians, and food service managers. Practical training in meal planning, meal service organization, dietary habits, nutritional assessment, and nutrition education is also provided. Students also visit nurseries and kindergartens for observation and practical training in child guidance and development.

Community Development Programs

The Home Economics Department is actively involved in community development through seminars, in-service training for teachers, and lectures for women's groups on topics related to health, child care, home management, and education. These programs have utilized various methods, including television broadcasts, magazine and newspaper articles, and exhibits of student work.

Challenges and Recommendations

The Home Economics Department has faced challenges related to faculty and staff shortages, limited resources, and a rapidly growing student population. Recommendations for improvement include establishing the department as a separate college, expanding specializations, increasing faculty and staff, promoting research, improving resource availability, and strengthening community outreach.

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