Senegal CE2 Curriculum - Physical Education

This curriculum outlines the Physical Education course content for CE2 students at École Jeannine Manuel. The curriculum is organized into four key learning objectives, with activities spread across five periods (P1-P5).

Produce an Optimal Performance Measurable in Time

This objective focuses on developing students' abilities to perform physical activities with measurable outcomes, emphasizing different levels of intensity and duration. Students learn to differentiate between variations in movements, such as running fast versus running for a long time, throwing far versus throwing precisely, and jumping high versus jumping far. They also learn to aim for measured performance and compete with others.

  • Athletics/Fitness: Running, jumping, and throwing activities are incorporated throughout the periods (P1, P2, P4, P5).
  • Basketball/Racket Games: These activities are included in P2 and P4.
  • Circuits: Circuit training is included in P3 and P4.
  • Dodgeball: This activity is featured in P3 and P5.

Adapt Physical Movement to a Range of Varied Environments

This objective emphasizes adapting movements to different environments and adhering to safety rules. Students undertake parkour in a controlled and supervised environment, learning to adapt their movements to unfamiliar spaces.

  • Dance/Fitness/Gymnastics/Athletics: These activities are incorporated across various periods (P1, P2, P3, P5) to develop adaptability in different movement contexts.
  • Dodgeball/Invasion Games: These game-based activities are included in P5.
  • Volleyball/Basketball/Racket Games/Hockey/Football: These sport-specific activities are incorporated in P1, P2, and P5, focusing on adapting movements within specific game environments.

Successfully Participate in Team or Opposition Games

This objective focuses on developing teamwork and game-based skills. Students learn to engage in opposition or team games, following the rules and controlling their motor skills and emotions. They also learn to understand the objective of the game, identify opponents and teammates, and perform simple actions within the game context.

  • Volleyball/Basketball/Racket Games/Hockey/Football/Dodgeball/Invasion Games: These activities are spread across P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5, providing opportunities for team and opposition game participation.

Express Oneself Before Others Through an Artistic/Acrobatic Performance

This objective focuses on expressive movement and performance. Students learn to express feelings through their bodies, reproduce simple sequences of actions, and adapt movement to rhythm. They also memorize steps, poses, elements, and sequences to perform individual or group performances.

  • Dance/Gymnastics/Fitness: These activities are incorporated in P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5, providing opportunities for artistic and acrobatic expression.

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