Senegal CM2 Arts Education
While detailed information specifically about the Senegal CM2 Arts Education curriculum is limited, the following information has been compiled from various sources to provide an overview:
General Arts Education in Senegal:
- Arts education is included in the primary school curriculum, along with core subjects like French, mathematics, and science.
- Some primary schools offer art classes that may include drama, music, movement, dance, photography, graphic arts, painting, sculpting, printing, drawing, and filmmaking.
- There is a strong cultural emphasis on art, music, and dance in Senegal.
CM2 Level and CFEE Exam:
- CM2 (Cours Moyen 2e année) is the final year of primary school in Senegal.
- The CFEE (Certificate of Elementary Completion) exam is taken at the end of CM2.
- The CFEE exam includes an arts education component.
- In 2018, the arts education portion involved reproducing and coloring a drawing of a fish.
- In 2019, students were asked to draw the Senegalese national flag.
It should be noted that this information is not exhaustive and further research may be needed to gain a complete understanding of the Senegal CM2 Arts Education curriculum. |