Seychelles Primary 1 Curriculum - Citizenship Education
Individual Citizenship
- Values personal belongings by taking care of them.
- Develops respect for self and practices courtesy.
- Develops a good attitude towards work.
- Shows respect to family members by expressing feelings positively.
- Lists ways to fight wastage at home.
- Practices common courtesies and responsibilities in the family, using appropriate terms to address people.
Community (School/District)
- Demonstrates a sense of civic discipline and responsibility.
- Demonstrates respect for and appreciation of the different people comprising society.
- Applies rules and regulations.
Community (National/Country)
- Develops love for their country by drawing the National Flag and singing the National Anthem.
- Respects public properties/places by using them appropriately.
- Is aware that children have rights and responsibilities.
Community (International/Region/World)
- Draws a map of their island.
- Indicates where Victoria, the capital, is situated.
- Locates Seychelles on a world map.