Seychelles Primary 1 Curriculum - Mathematics
Number and Algebra
- Number and Place Value: Students learn to count to and from 100, write numbers in figures and words (up to 20), count by twos, fives, and tens, represent numbers using objects and drawings, use a number line, understand concepts like "equal to," "more than," and "less than," order numbers, and use addition and subtraction to solve problems up to 20. They also learn number bonds to 10 and 20, count collections to 100 using place value, and add and subtract numbers within 99 with and without regrouping. Students begin to explore multiplication and division using concrete objects and pictorial representations.
- Fractions: Students are introduced to the concept of one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole.
- Money: Students learn to recognize and order Seychelles coins according to their value and find different combinations of coins that equal specific amounts.
- Patterns and Algebra: Students investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns with objects and shapes.
Measurements and Geometry
- Units of Measurement: Students measure, compare, estimate, record, and order lengths and capacities using non-standard units. They also sequence events in order using time-related vocabulary, tell time in hours and half-hours using digital and analog clocks, and describe duration using months, weeks, days, and hours.
- Properties of Shape: Students recognize, name, and describe the properties of 2-D shapes (rectangles, squares, circles, and triangles) and 3-D shapes (cuboids, cubes, pyramids, and spheres).
Statistics and Probability
- Chance: Students predict outcomes of familiar situations involving chance using everyday language.
- Handling Data: Students represent data with objects and drawings, describe the data, and answer questions about it.
Textbook: Cracking Maths series
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