Seychelles Primary 1 Curriculum - Science
The Seychelles Primary 1 Science curriculum aims to foster curiosity about the natural world, provide insights into scientific inquiry, and highlight the relevance of science in daily life.
Primary 1 Learning Goals
By the end of Primary 1, students should be able to:
- Knowledge:
- Demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of the immediate natural environment, including:
- Characteristics of living and non-living things.
- Basic human body systems (external body parts, senses).
- Simple physical processes (waves, light, sound).
- Observing:
- Use their senses to identify elements related to living/non-living things, their habitats, and basic physical processes in the environment.
- Communicating:
- Use drawings and short sentences, both orally and in writing, to record information about observed objects (label, describe, compare) using simple terms like light/heavy, lighter/heavier than, long/short, big/small.
- Measuring:
- Measure, compare, estimate, record, and order the lengths and capacities of observed objects using non-standard units (e.g., hand span, footstep for length; same-sized mugs, bottles, spoons for capacity).
- Predicting:
- Predict possible outcomes of actions and events (e.g., whether objects will float, which containers hold more, which objects produce sound).
- Classifying:
- Match objects based on characteristics like color, shape, size, quantity.
- Experimenting:
- Ask questions like how, why, what, where, when, and "what will happen if?" during practical activities.