Seychelles Primary School Syllabus - English

This information is derived from the Seychelles Ministry of Education's "Attainment Targets for Primary National Curriculum (2015)" document. The learning of English as one of the three national languages broadens learners' awareness and appreciation of the functions and purposes of languages in general as well as enhancing their cognitive skills.

Primary 1

  • Listening:
      • Listen to and follow three or four part instructions/directions.
      • Identify change in people's tone and react accordingly.
      • Respond appropriately to directions.
      • Listen and use appropriate vocabulary and basic language structure to express feelings and emotions.
      • Listen and respond to a variety of short/simple texts in different situations.
      • Listen without interrupting, taking turns to speak and asking questions for clarification.
      • Anticipate and identify rhyming words in songs and rhymes.
      • Follow more complex instructions and directions in different situations.
  • Speaking:
      • Express general greetings and emotions in different contexts for different purposes.
      • Participate in discussions and extend ideas and accounts by providing more details.
      • Confidently follow simple or multi-step, oral directions and instructions.
      • Ask simple questions and provide short answers from question words such as: what, where, when, who, how.
      • Express him/herself using words like "Thank you!", "Sorry!" and "Please!" in a polite manner to carry out simple tasks.
      • Recite simple nursery rhymes, poems or songs independently, using appropriate eye contact, volume and clear enunciation.
      • Orally blend two to three sounds to form a word.
  • Reading:
      • Recognise and name the alphabet (from A-Z) in both upper and lower-case forms.
      • Learn the differences between consonants and vowels.
      • Identify the parts of a book: cover, page, title.
      • Apply phonic knowledge and skills to decode words.
      • Demonstrate an understanding that words are made up of sequences of sounds.
      • Understand the relationship between letters and sound-symbols.
      • Interpret information from posters, pictures and simple tables.
      • Read aloud from own book with guidance.
      • Read with increasing fluency and expression.
      • Read sight words related to greetings, familiar signs and classroom objects.
      • Use words containing each of the 40+ phonemes. (E.g. a, e, etc...)
  • Writing:
      • Use basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation in simple sentences and texts to convey meaning (full-stop, capital letter, question mark, comma).
      • Write name in full.
      • Write simple words and phrases containing each of the 40+ phonemes.

Primary 2 - 6

(Content for Primary 2 through 6 follows a similar format as Primary 1, outlining descriptors for Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Due to the length of the full content, it is omitted here, but can be readily extracted from the linked PDF document.)

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