Seychelles Primary 3 Curriculum - English
In Seychelles, the official language of instruction shifts to English for certain subjects starting in Primary 3, as outlined in the Seychelles National Curriculum Framework. While Creole remains the language of instruction for some subjects like Personal and Social Education (PSE), English takes precedence in core subjects. The emphasis on literacy in the Seychelles National Curriculum underscores the importance of developing competence and confidence in English to facilitate progress in other areas of the curriculum. This includes proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar. All teachers share the responsibility of promoting language and literacy development in English, creating opportunities for students to enhance their English language skills across all subjects. [ [
Specific learning targets for English in Primary 3 include:
- Listening: Students are expected to listen attentively to longer descriptive texts in diverse settings, identify key themes, characters, and settings in narratives, and recognize the sequence of events.
- Speaking: They should engage confidently in extended conversations, ask complex questions, provide relevant comments on texts, give clear and detailed instructions, produce simple descriptions, and tell short stories.
- Reading: Students should read aloud independently with accurate intonation and expression, find meaning in context across various genres, answer detailed questions about texts, identify linking words and sequence events, and use a dictionary independently.
- Writing: They are expected to compose texts with appropriate vocabulary, use basic grammar and punctuation, write organized texts with linking words and time markers, create descriptive texts, use narrative language, write simple poems and dialogues, spell accurately, and write legibly in joined-up writing.