Seychelles Primary 3 Curriculum - Science

The Seychelles Primary 3 Science curriculum aims to provide students with opportunities to develop curiosity about the natural world, insight into working scientifically, and appreciate the relevance of science to their everyday lives. The curriculum focuses on developing knowledge, observation skills, communication skills, measuring skills, predicting skills, classifying skills, and experimenting skills.

Knowledge: Students acquire fundamental facts, ideas, and concepts related to:

  • Life processes and living things: This includes exploring food sources, their functions, and the concept of a balanced diet.
  • Materials and their properties: Students learn about the properties of matter and the various uses of materials.
  • Physical processes: This encompasses forces (push and pull), sources of light, and the uses of light.
  • Scientific and technological applications: Students gain an understanding of how science and technology are applied in relevant areas, such as the use of machines.

Observing: Students develop their observation skills by:

  • Recognizing objects from descriptions.
  • Beginning to notice patterns and relationships between objects and events.

Communicating: Students enhance their communication skills by:

  • Describing objects orally and writing about changes and their properties.
  • Recording information in a variety of ways, including drawings, labeled diagrams, written descriptions, models, tables, and picture graphs.
  • Beginning to use simple scientific language.

Measuring: Students improve their measuring skills by:

  • Estimating and comparing the sizes of different objects.
  • Taking accurate measurements using standard units.

Predicting: Students develop their prediction skills by:

  • Predicting the possible results of actions, events, and experiments.

Classifying: Students enhance their classifying skills by:

  • Recognizing common properties in a set of objects.
  • Naming, sorting, and matching objects according to two or three given characteristics.

Experimenting: Students develop their experimenting skills by:

  • Devising ways of solving simple problems.

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