Sierra Leone Primary Class 2 Civic Education Syllabus

This syllabus outlines the course content for Civic Education in Primary Class 2 in Sierra Leone, based on the official syllabus document from the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE).

General Learning Outcomes (Class 1 & 2):

Students will demonstrate:

  • Understanding of personal identity within their family, immediate environment, and simple rules at home, school, and in the community.
  • Understanding of their basic rights and duties at home.
  • Respect in the home.
  • Basic knowledge of their village, town, and country.
  • Qualities of a good citizen.
  • Knowledge about some important Sierra Leoneans.

Specific Learning Outcomes (Class 2):

Unit 7: Going to School

  • Identify types of vehicles seen on the way to school.
  • Explain how to avoid road accidents on the way to school.

Unit 8: My School

  • Draw a picture of their school and classroom.
  • Explain some of the rules in their school.
  • State the attributes of a good classmate.
  • Demonstrate why it is necessary to live peacefully in school.

Unit 9: My Community

  • Name the different communities they come from.
  • Describe some of the activities that people do in their communities.
  • Demonstrate the importance of peaceful co-existence in communities.

Unit 10: Sierra Leone is My Country

  • Sing the first stanza of the National Anthem and the National Pledge.
  • Demonstrate how to stand when singing the National Anthem and National Pledge.

Unit 11: I Want to be a Good Citizen

  • State the characteristics of a good citizen.
  • State some of the things that bad citizens do in the community.
  • Explain why they want to become good citizens.

Unit 12: Who is a Responsible Citizen?

  • Draw a picture of a responsible citizen.
  • Explain what a responsible citizen does.
  • Explain why responsible citizens are necessary in any community.

Unit 13: Respect

  • Explain the meaning of respect.
  • State some of the ways they show respect for others.

Unit 14: Our Towns and Villages

  • Name the towns and villages they know in Sierra Leone.
  • Find out the names of people who founded these towns and villages.
  • Talk about why they like their town/village.
  • Show how they can make their town/village a healthy place for everyone.

Unit: Some Other Important Sierra Leoneans

  • Name some great men and women of Sierra Leone and state their contributions.
  • State what they admire about these great people.

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