Sierra Leone Primary Class 2 Syllabus - Physical and Health Education

Term 1

  • The Meaning of Physical and Health Education (PHE):
      • Demonstrate activities illustrating the meaning of PHE (e.g., exercising).
      • Demonstrate "fair play" during games.
      • Discuss the importance of exercise and physical activities.
      • Organize teams to play games.
      • Fundamental Movement:
      • Demonstrate non-locomotor skills (e.g., twisting, stretching, bending).
      • Demonstrate locomotor skills (e.g., cartwheel, forward roll, wheelbarrow, frog-jump).
      • Discuss the benefits of movement activities.
      • Games:
      • Demonstrate skills in minor games (e.g., football, balance ball, chairball).
      • Play team games with simple rules.
      • Discuss the benefits of playing games.
      • Hygiene:
      • Demonstrate hygiene practices (e.g., handwashing).
      • Discuss how to maintain a clean environment (school, classroom, compound).
      • Identify cleaning objects (e.g., broom, soap, dustbin, duster, towel, cutlass).

Term 2

  • Foods and Nutrition:
      • Identify energy-giving foods (e.g., rice, cassava, bread, fufu).
      • Identify body-building foods (e.g., meat, chicken, egg, beans, sesame).
      • Identify protective foods (e.g., vegetables, garden eggs, onion, orange, pawpaw, milk).
      • Discuss ways to prevent food spoilage.
      • Water:
      • Identify community water sources.
      • Wash the body after play and exercise.
      • Discuss water purification methods (e.g., filtration, sedimentation, boiling).
      • Accident/First Aid:
      • Prevent and treat play-related wounds.
      • Administer first aid for poisoning.
      • Administer first aid for diarrhea.
      • Athletics:
      • Demonstrate running in lanes for short distances.
      • Demonstrate running in team events (e.g., relays).
      • Perform jumps (e.g., standing jump, high jump).
      • Demonstrate throwing implements (e.g., improvised shots).

Term 3

  • The Human Body:
      • Name the main parts of the human body.
      • Discuss the functions of body parts.
      • Identify common diseases associated with body parts.
      • Drugs:
      • Explain what drugs are.
      • Discuss drug uses (cure, relief).
      • Discuss safe drug storage at home.
      • Rest and Sleep:
      • Discuss the need for rest and sleep after exercise.
      • Discuss the benefits of rest and sleep.
      • Disease:
      • Identify HIV, EVD, and COVID-19 as diseases affecting humans.
      • Discuss the spread and prevention of EVD and COVID-19.

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