Sierra Leone Primary Class 2 Syllabus - Themne

This syllabus outlines the learning objectives, assessment methods, teaching styles, and resources for Themne language instruction in Primary Class 2 in Sierra Leone. It is based on the Sierra Leone Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education's official syllabus document.

Term 1: Identifying Sounds in Words

  • Learning Objectives: Pupils should be able to identify individual sounds within a word. For example, identifying the sounds "e" and "ə" in the word "Bep" (spoon).
  • Assessment Methods: Oral drills where the teacher says a word and pupils identify the sounds they hear. Examples:
      • Bep (spoon)
      • Fer (drum)
      • Mr (salt)
      • Fth (young)
  • Teaching Style: Oral drills.
Resources: Kthemn Ksu - Book 1*

Term 2: Word Building

  • Learning Objectives: Children should be able to form new words from the sounds they have learned. For example:
      • d + e + r = der
      • m + e + r = mer
      • m + u + n = mun
      • k + a + r = kar
  • Assessment Methods: Oral drills where children produce words using the sounds they have learned.
  • Teaching Style: Oral drills.
Resources: Kthemn Ksu - Book 1*

Term 3: Sound Combination (Word Syllables)

  • Learning Objectives: Children should be able to divide a word into syllables to ease pronunciation. For example:
      • gbu-k = gbuk (run)
      • wo-rk = work (work)
      • T-m = tm (stand)
  • Assessment Methods: Oral drills where pupils pronounce words by units or segments.
  • Teaching Style: Oral drills.
Resources: Kthemn Ksu - Book 1*

Throughout the Year: Greetings in Kthemn

  • Learning Objectives: Children should be able to greet appropriately at various times of the day and under various circumstances.
  • Assessment Methods:
      • Naming various types of greetings in Themne.
      • Demonstrating various forms of greetings in Themne (e.g., "N dir-i?" - Good morning (plural); "ɔ dir-i?" - Good morning (singular)).
  • Teaching Style: Classroom demonstrations and oral greetings.
Resources: Kthemn Ksu - Book 1*

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