Sierra Leone Grade 8 Science Studies AI
Sierra Leone Junior Secondary School Integrated Science SyllabusThis syllabus covers a wide range of science subjects, employing a practical approach through demonstrations, problem-solving, analysis, experiments, and fieldwork. The integrated science subjects include physics, chemistry, biology, agricultural science, earth science, home economics, and mathematics. The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for Integrated Science is divided into three sections:
Units Covered in the Syllabus:The syllabus is structured into thirty (30) units, each focusing on specific concepts and principles: 1. Force, Work, Power, and Energy: Covers definitions, types of forces, effects of force, advantages and disadvantages of friction, and calculations. 2. Measurement: Focuses on common physical quantities, appropriate instruments for measurement, and SI units. 3. Density, Weight, and Volume: Includes measurement, differences between mass and weight, determining volume, and calculations. 4. Machines: Explores the definition of machines, types of simple machines, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio, and efficiency. 5. Heat and Sources of Heat: Covers definitions, generation of heat, and effects of heat on substances. 6. Measurement of Heat: Focuses on determining heat quantity, heat capacity, specific heat capacity, and latent heat. 7. Electricity: Explores static and current electricity, circuit components and their functions, and primary and secondary cells. 8. Matter: Covers the definition, nature, states, characteristics, and changes of state of matter. 9. Separation of Mixtures: Focuses on distinguishing between elements, compounds, and mixtures, and methods of separating mixtures. 10. Air: Explores the components of air, rusting and its prevention, and the preparation, properties, and uses of gases in air. 11. Water: Covers sources and uses, properties, treatment for public consumption, and differences between hard and soft water. 12. The Periodic Table: Explores periodic classification, arranging elements into groups and periods, and distinguishing between families of elements. 13. Atomic Structure: Focuses on atomic number, mass number, and the arrangement of particles in an atom. 14. Chemical Formulae and Chemical Equations: Covers writing chemical formulae and equations, and symbols of elements. 15. Acids, Bases, and Salts: Explores definitions, distinguishing between acids and bases, and classifying substances. 16. Metals and Non-metals: Focuses on classifying elements, properties, and the composition and uses of alloys. 17. Continuity and Change: Covers differentiating between living and non-living things, and classifying living things. 18. Living Cells: Explores the definition of a cell, and the structure and functions of plant and animal cells. 19. Amoeba Proteus: Focuses on the structure, function of parts, and life processes of amoeba. 20. Flowering Plants: Covers the structure and functions of the parts of flowering plants. 21. Flowers: Explores floral parts, variations in flower structure, pollination, fertilization, and dispersal of fruits and seeds. 22. Nutrition (Carbohydrates and Proteins): Focuses on classifying food items, importance of nutrients, and testing for starch and proteins. 23. Nutrition (Lipids and Balanced Diet): Covers classifying food items, importance of nutrients, testing for fats and oils, and the concept of a balanced diet. 24. Digestion in Humans: Explores the structure and function of the human digestive system. 25. The Circulatory System: Covers the structure, function, blood and heart functions, how the system works, and types of circulatory systems. 26. Ecology: Explores basic ecological terms, the definition of an ecosystem, and its main components. 27. Ecosystems: Focuses on the interaction of components within an ecosystem, and how animals and plants depend on each other. 28. Population Changes: Covers definitions of population, migration, immigration, and emigration, factors affecting population size, and problems of population growth. 29. Earth Science: Explores the universe, moon, eclipse, planets, and other heavenly bodies. 30. Soil and Rocks: Covers the structure of the Earth, rock formation, characteristics, and uses, and soil types and conservation. |