H3 Biology

This course builds upon the H2 Biology syllabus, delving deeper into core biological principles and exploring emerging issues. It emphasizes independent learning and critical thinking, preparing students for further studies or careers in biology-related fields. The curriculum is structured around four Core Ideas and two Extension Topics.

I. Core Ideas

1. The Cell and Biomolecules of Life

This Core Idea explores the fundamental unit of life – the cell – and its intricate components. It examines the evolution of the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane, the characteristics of prions, fungi, and protoctista, and challenges to the traditional cell theory posed by acellularity, multinucleation, and endosymbiosis. The Core Idea also delves into the importance of cell differentiation in multicellular organisms, the complexities of protein modification, and the mechanisms by which cells regulate enzymatic activity.

2. Genetics and Inheritance

This Core Idea delves into the mechanisms of inheritance and the manipulation of genetic material. It covers the processes involved in cloning genes, the structure and function of ribozymes, and various techniques in genetic engineering. The Core Idea also explores the significance of epigenetics in gene expression and its contribution to the study of genetics and heredity.

3. Energy and Equilibrium

This Core Idea focuses on energy acquisition, transformation, and utilization in biological systems. It examines C3, C4, and CAM plants and algae, their adaptations for photosynthesis, and their roles in mitigating global warming. The Core Idea also explores the nervous system, quorum sensing in bacteria, and the principles of homeostasis and feedback mechanisms.

4. Biological Evolution

This Core Idea explores the mechanisms and patterns of evolution. It covers topics such as sexual selection, adaptive radiation, ring species, and the roles of polyploidy, hybridization, and introgression in evolution. The Core Idea also examines the significance of biomolecules and biochemical processes in understanding evolution, as well as the use of mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal Adam in tracing human ancestry.

II. Extension Topics

A. Infectious Diseases

This Extension Topic investigates the interplay between pathogens and the human immune system. It covers the adaptive and innate immune responses, the importance of the human microbiota, and the factors that contribute to pandemics.

B. Impact of Climate Change on Animals and Plants

This Extension Topic examines the effects of climate change on living organisms and ecosystems. It explores how humans are mitigating climate change through biological measures and lifestyle changes, as well as how animal and plant species are adapting to these environmental shifts.

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