Bengali (H1)

Bengali (H1) is offered as a Mother Tongue (MTL) subject at the H1 level in Singapore Junior Colleges (JC). Students who did not take Higher Mother Tongue at the O-Level are required to take H1 MTL in JC. A minimum grade of 'S' (sub-pass) in H1 MTL is required for local university admission.

Syllabus (2025)

The Bengali H1 examination consists of one paper with two parts, totaling 3 hours.

  • Part 1: Essay (40 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes)
Candidates choose one of five essay topics and write approximately 350 words.
  • Part 2: Comprehension and Use of Language (60 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes)
      • Comprehension: Eight questions based on a passage of 350-400 words.
      • Vocabulary: Five vocabulary questions based on the comprehension passage.
      • Sentence Construction: Five questions using given vocabulary words and five questions using given idioms, proverbs, and word pairs.
      • Separation/Combination of Words: Five questions.
      • Grammar: Cloze test with six questions.

The syllabus includes lists of idioms, proverbs, and word pairs as a study guide. These lists are not exhaustive.

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