Singapore JC Subject List - China Studies in English (H2, Revised)

This course focuses on developments in contemporary China from circa 2000 to the present day, examining its economy, politics, society, and international relations. The curriculum aims to equip students with knowledge of contemporary China, develop critical thinking and information literacy, and instill awareness of the regional and global implications of China's rise. It also aims to develop China-conversant citizens who can appreciate Singapore's interests and perspectives in its engagement with China.

Key Issues

The H2 CSE syllabus covers four key issues, each foregrounded by one of the four content dimensions (economy, politics, society, international relations):

1. China's Economic Development and Its Sustainability

This key issue examines China's economic transformation since the market reforms and open-door policy of 1978. It explores the features of China's economic development, the challenges to its sustainability, and the effectiveness of approaches to ensure sustainable economic growth.

  • Features of China's Economic Development: This includes the transition from a centrally planned economy to a socialist market economy, drivers of economic growth (economic reforms, trade, and investment levels).
  • Challenges to China's Economic Sustainability: This encompasses structural issues such as dependence on export-oriented industries, inefficiency of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), banking debt, regional and local disparities, and energy and environmental issues (dependence on fossil fuels, environmental degradation, urbanization).
  • Effectiveness of China's Approaches to Economic Sustainability: This involves evaluating strategies like economic restructuring (increasing domestic consumption, reforming SOEs, expanding technological and services sectors, reforming banks), developing poorer regions (infrastructural and industrial development), and promoting green development (developing renewable energy and environmental protection).

2. Governing China and Its Challenges

This key issue analyzes China's post-Maoist political system, its ability to adapt to changing conditions, and the challenges it faces in maintaining stability and effective governance.

  • Features of China's Political System: This includes the party-state system, sources of legitimacy (ideological and performance-based), and central-local relations.
  • Challenges to China's Political Stability: This involves issues of governance (corruption, rule of law, responsiveness to public needs, ethnic minority issues), governing capacity (bureaucratic capacity, relationship between central and local governments), and political participation (political opposition, online citizen activism).
  • Effectiveness of China's Approaches to Political Stability: This examines strategies related to governance (anti-corruption, legal reforms, delivery of services, management of ethnic minority groups), governing capacity (reform of party and state institutions, management of central-local relations), and managing political participation (state-sponsored participation mechanisms, surveillance, and censorship).

3. Chinese Society and Its Transformation

This key issue explores the profound transformations in Chinese society due to economic modernization and globalization, focusing on demographic changes, social structure shifts, and the government's responses to these changes.

  • Aspects of China's Social Change: This includes demographic changes (declining birth rate, increasing life expectancy), urbanization and rural-urban migration, and changes in social structure (increased social stratification, changes in family structure).
  • Challenges of China's Social Change: This encompasses demographic issues (impact of population policies, ageing population), social mobility issues (income and regional disparities, social inequalities), and a growing civil society (non-governmental organizations (NGOs), social movements).
  • Effectiveness of China's Approaches to Manage Social Change: This evaluates strategies such as reforming social governance (changes in population policies, provision of social security, social assistance, and social welfare, household registration system (hukou), management of NGOs), and managing social order (use of ideology, regulation of religious organizations, management of media).

4. China's Foreign Policy and Its Implications

This key issue examines China's evolving foreign policy, its motivations, and its implications for regional and international stability.

  • Factors Shaping China's Foreign Policy: This includes national interests (sovereignty and territorial integrity, security interests, economic interests) and ideology.
  • China's Bilateral Relations and Their Implications for China's National Interests: This examines relations with the US, Japan, and ASEAN, focusing on bilateral trade and investments, geopolitical and security issues, and regional economic and security cooperation.
  • China's Role in Global Governance and Its Implications for China's Global Influence: This explores China's involvement in the international economy (international economic institutions, multilateral trade arrangements), international security (regional security cooperation, United Nations (UN)), and environment and climate change (participation in international environmental and climate change cooperation).


The assessment comprises two papers:

  • Paper 1 (Case Studies): 40% weighting, 2 hours 45 minutes duration. Candidates answer questions from two compulsory case studies, each on a different Key Issue. The first case study focuses on interpretation, analysis, and evaluation of information, while the second focuses on analysis, evaluation, and making recommendations.
  • Paper 2 (Essays): 60% weighting, 2 hours 30 minutes duration. Candidates answer three essay questions. Section A has one compulsory question on any of the four Key Issues. Section B has two questions chosen from three, each on any of the four Key Issues.

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