Singapore Primary 2 Physical Education Syllabus

This entry details the Physical Education (PE) syllabus for Primary 2 students in Singapore, based on information from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and Tao Nan School.

Objectives of PE

The overarching objective of PE is to equip students with the physical skills, practices, and values to lead active, healthy lives. The MOE framework emphasizes movement competence, healthy lifestyle practices, a safety mindset, core values, and enjoyment of physical activity. These goals aim to create competent and confident individuals who can safely and responsibly participate in a range of physical and outdoor activities.

Curriculum Overview

The Primary 2 PE curriculum covers seven learning areas:

1. Dance 2. Sports & Games 3. Gymnastics 4. Outdoor Education 5. Physical Health & Fitness 6. Athletics (introduced from Primary 3) 7. Swimming (introduced from Primary 3)

Pedagogical Approaches

PE instruction utilizes various teaching strategies, including:

  • Interactive Teaching
  • Station Teaching
  • Peer Teaching
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Self-Instructional Strategies
  • Cognitive Strategies
  • Team Teaching

Differentiated instruction is employed to cater to diverse learning abilities. The MOE syllabus emphasizes experiential learning, encouraging students to apply skills and concepts in authentic contexts.


Assessment in PE is a combination of formative and summative methods, providing insights into student progress and informing instructional adjustments. In Primary 2, assessment focuses on the learning areas of Dance, Games & Sports, Gymnastics, Outdoor Education, and Physical Health & Fitness. The MOE advocates for ongoing assessment integrated into teaching to provide feedback and address learning gaps.

Programme Highlights

Tao Nan School's Primary 2 PE programme includes highlights such as:

  • Sports Carnival
  • Learning for Life Programme (LLP) focusing on Basketball and Badminton
  • Holistic Health Festival
  • Active Recess

School-Home Partnership

Tao Nan School encourages parental involvement in promoting healthy habits, including ensuring sufficient sleep, managing screen time, and encouraging outdoor play. The school also promotes healthy eating, advising on suitable snack options from various food groups.