Singapore Primary 4 Mathematics Syllabus
This syllabus outlines the learning objectives and experiences for Primary 4 Mathematics in Singapore schools, based on the Ministry of Education (MOE) syllabus. It is structured around three content strands: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics. Mathematical Processes are integrated throughout these strands.
Number and Algebra
- Numbers up to 100,000: Students learn number notation, place values (ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones), reading and writing numbers in numerals and words, comparing and ordering numbers, number patterns, and rounding to the nearest 10, 100, or 1,000.
- Factors and Multiples: This topic covers factors, multiples, their relationship, finding common factors and multiples of two given numbers, and determining if a number is a multiple of another.
- Four Operations: Students learn the multiplication algorithm (up to 4 digits by 1 digit, and up to 3 digits by 2 digits), division algorithm (up to 4 digits by 1 digit), and solving up to 3-step word problems involving all four operations. Mental calculation is also emphasized.
- Fractions: This section includes mixed numbers, improper fractions, their relationships, fractions of a set of objects, adding and subtracting fractions with denominators up to 12 (and not more than two different denominators), and solving up to 2-step word problems involving fraction addition and subtraction.
- Decimals: Students learn decimal notation up to 3 decimal places, place values (tenths, hundredths, thousandths), comparing and ordering decimals, converting between decimals and fractions, dividing whole numbers to get decimal quotients, and rounding decimals. They also perform the four operations with decimals (up to 2 decimal places) by a 1-digit whole number, and solve up to 2-step word problems involving these operations.
Measurement and Geometry
- Time: Students learn to measure time in seconds, use the 24-hour clock, and solve problems involving time in the 24-hour clock.
- Area and Perimeter: This topic focuses on finding one dimension of a rectangle given its area/perimeter and the other dimension, finding the length of one side of a square given its area/perimeter, and finding the area and perimeter of composite figures made up of rectangles and squares.
- Angles: Students learn to use notations like ∠ABC and ∠a to name angles, measure and draw angles in degrees, relate quarter, half, and complete turns to angles in degrees, and find unknown angles in geometric figures. They also study angles on a straight line, angles at a point, and vertically opposite angles.
- Rectangle and Square: This section covers properties of rectangles and squares (excluding diagonal properties), and drawing rectangles and squares on square grids.
- Line Symmetry: Students learn to identify symmetric figures, determine lines of symmetry, and complete symmetric figures with respect to a given line of symmetry on a square grid.
- Tables and Line Graphs: Students learn to complete tables from given data, read and interpret data from tables and line graphs, and solve 1-step problems using data from these representations.
Mathematical Processes
These processes are integrated within the content strands and are developed through problem-solving activities.
- Reasoning, Communication, and Connections: Students learn to use mathematical notations, symbols, and conventions, reason inductively and deductively, and make connections within mathematics and between mathematics and everyday life.
- Applications: Students apply mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in various contexts, including identifying appropriate representations, using appropriate methods, and interpreting solutions.
- Thinking Skills and Heuristics: Students develop thinking skills (classifying, comparing, sequencing, generalizing, induction, deduction, analyzing, synthesizing) and use heuristics (drawing diagrams, tabulating, guess and check, working backwards, simplifying problems, considering special cases) for problem-solving. They also learn to use problem-solving models like Polya's model.