Singapore Primary 4 Mathematics Syllabus - G3
Number and Algebra
- Numbers up to 100,000:
- Number notation, representations, and place values (ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones)
- Reading and writing numbers in numerals and words
- Comparing and ordering numbers
- Number patterns and sequences
- Rounding off numbers to the nearest 10, 100, or 1,000
- Using the symbols <, >, and =
- Factors and Multiples:
- Understanding factors and multiples, and their relationship
- Determining factors and multiples of given numbers
- Finding common factors and common multiples
- Four Operations:
- Multiplication algorithm (up to 4 digits by 1 digit, up to 3 digits by 2 digits)
- Division algorithm (up to 4 digits by 1 digit)
- Solving up to 3-step word problems involving the four operations
- Fractions:
- Mixed numbers, improper fractions, and their relationships
- Fractions of a set of objects
- Adding and subtracting fractions (denominators up to 12, not more than two different denominators)
- Solving up to 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions
- Decimals:
- Decimals up to 3 decimal places: notation, representations, and place values (tenths, hundredths, thousandths)
- Comparing and ordering decimals
- Dividing a whole number by a whole number with a decimal quotient
- Converting decimals to fractions and vice-versa
- Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, 1 decimal place, or 2 decimal places
- Adding and subtracting decimals (up to 2 decimal places)
- Multiplying and dividing decimals (up to 2 decimal places) by a 1-digit whole number
- Solving up to 2-step word problems involving the four operations with decimals
- Rounding answers to a specified degree of accuracy
Measurement and Geometry
- Measurement:
- Measuring time in seconds
- Solving problems involving time
- Area and Perimeter:
- Finding one dimension of a rectangle given its area/perimeter and the other dimension
- Finding the length of one side of a square given its area/perimeter
- Finding the area and perimeter of composite figures made up of rectangles and squares
- Geometry:
- Measuring and drawing angles in degrees
- Relating quarter, half, and complete turns to angles in degrees
- Properties of rectangles and squares (excluding diagonal properties)
- Drawing rectangles and squares
- Identifying symmetric figures
- Determining lines of symmetry
- Completing symmetric figures
- Data Representation and Interpretation:
- Completing tables from given data
- Reading and interpreting data from tables and line graphs
- Solving 1-step problems using data from tables and graphs