Singapore Primary One Art Studies AI
Singapore Primary School Art SyllabusThis syllabus outlines the curriculum for Art in Singapore Primary Schools, focusing on developing students as active artists and informed audiences. The syllabus is built around three Learning Domains: See (Observe-Inquire), Express (Create-Innovate), and Appreciate (Connect-Respond). These domains are explored through four key components: Context, Artistic Processes, Visual Qualities, and Media. Aims of Art EducationThe aims of art education are to enable every child to:
Learning Domains and Key CompetenciesThe syllabus is structured around three learning domains, each with corresponding key competencies:
ContentThe syllabus content is organized into four key components: 1. Context: Students learn from a range of artworks by Singaporean and international artists, organized under three focus areas: Self and Immediate Environment; Singapore Past, Present and Future; and The World and Region We Live in. 2. Artistic Processes: Students engage in six key artistic processes: Inspiration, Imagination, Experimentation, Materiality, Emotion, and Presentation. These processes are interwoven and non-linear, emphasizing both the creative journey and the final artwork. 3. Visual Qualities: Students learn the language of art through exploring elements of art (e.g., line, shape, color, texture) and principles of design (e.g., balance, contrast, rhythm). They learn to analyze how these elements and principles are used in different art forms and apply them in their own work. 4. Media: Students are exposed to a range of art tools and materials associated with various art forms, including drawing, painting, photography/film/technology, mixed media, printmaking, sculpture, and textiles. Core Learning ExperiencesThe syllabus includes three core learning experiences:
Dynamic Learning ExperiencesSchools have the flexibility to design dynamic learning experiences that complement the core experiences and enrich students' learning. AssessmentAssessment in Art is holistic and focuses on supporting student learning and development. Portfolio assessment is the main assessment mode, allowing students to showcase their progress, reflect on their learning, and demonstrate their understanding of art concepts and skills. Syllabus RefreshThe Primary Art syllabus has been refreshed for implementation from 2024. The refresh includes a wider range of media, topics, and themes, with a focus on deeper engagement and interdisciplinary learning. It also incorporates digital art creation and digital photography, reflecting current trends in art and education. The works of several local artists have been added to the syllabus. |