Singapore Primary 3 Mathematics Syllabus
This syllabus outlines the learning objectives for Primary 3 Mathematics, categorized into three main strands: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics.
Number and Algebra
- Whole Numbers:
- Numbers up to 10,000 (counting, notation, place value, comparing, ordering, patterns).
- Addition and subtraction algorithms (up to 4 digits).
- Mental calculation (addition and subtraction of two 2-digit numbers).
- Multiplication and Division:
- Multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- Multiplying and dividing within the multiplication tables.
- Multiplication and division algorithms (up to 3 digits by 1 digit).
- Mental calculation (multiplication and division within multiplication tables).
- Fractions:
- Equivalent fractions (concept, simplest form).
- Comparing and ordering unlike fractions (denominators up to 12).
- Writing equivalent fractions (given numerator or denominator).
- Adding and subtracting related fractions within one whole (denominators up to 12).
- Money:
- Adding and subtracting money in decimal notation.
Measurement and Geometry
- Measurement:
- Length (kilometers, compound units, converting between km and m, m and cm).
- Mass (compound units, converting between kg and g).
- Volume (milliliters, compound units, converting between liters and ml).
- Time (seconds, finding start/end times and duration, 24-hour clock).
- Area and Volume:
- Area and perimeter concepts.
- Measuring area (cm² and m²).
- Perimeter of rectilinear figures, rectangles, and squares.
- Area of rectangles and squares.
- Geometry:
- Angles (concept, right angles, comparing angles).
- Perpendicular and parallel lines (concept, drawing).
- Data Representation and Interpretation:
- Bar graphs (reading, interpreting, different scales).