Singapore Secondary 2 History Studies AI
Singapore Secondary 2 Humanities > History (G1)This course comprises Social Studies and Humanities Exposure Modules (HEMs). The HEMs provide exposure to Geography, History, and Literature in English, connected by the overarching theme of "Understanding People's Relationships with Self, Society and the Environment." Social StudiesSocial Studies focuses on inquiry into current societal issues to develop students into informed, concerned, and participative citizens. The syllabus is organized around four key issues: 1. Living in a Multicultural Society: This issue explores the challenges and benefits of cultural diversity, emphasizing the importance of harmony and respect in a multicultural society like Singapore. Key concepts include identity, culture, multiculturalism, diversity, common space, and harmony. 2. Embracing Migration: This issue examines the causes and consequences of migration, exploring the experiences of both citizens and immigrants. It also delves into the concept of integration and the roles of individuals, the government, and immigrants in creating a sense of belonging. Key concepts include immigration, emigration, challenges, and integration. 3. Resolving Conflict and Building Peace: This issue helps students understand the nature of conflict, its causes and consequences, and ways to manage and resolve it amicably. It also covers the impact of terrorism and Singapore's efforts to maintain peace and security. Key concepts include conflict, peace, and terrorism. 4. Protecting Our Environment: This issue focuses on the interdependent relationship between people and the environment. Students explore the impact of human activities on the environment and learn about ways to protect it through sustainable practices and conservation efforts. Key concepts include environment, interdependence, climate change, conservation, and sustainability. Humanities Exposure Modules (HEMs)