Singapore Secondary 4 Mother Tongue Language (G1, G2, G3)
This information is based on the latest available syllabus document from the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore, published in 2021 and implemented for the 2021 Secondary One cohort. This syllabus applies to the G1, G2, and G3 levels of Mother Tongue Language instruction.
Overall Objectives:
The curriculum aims to develop students into active and proficient users of their Mother Tongue Language, focusing on:
- Communication: Enhancing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as spoken and written interaction.
- Culture: Understanding and appreciating various cultural and literary materials to strengthen global and cross-cultural awareness.
- Connection: Using language skills in authentic situations beyond the classroom.
Guiding Principles:
- Explicit and differentiated teaching of language skills and knowledge.
- Systematic infusion of cultural values for a meaningful learning experience.
- Leveraging technology and community partners to connect students with their Mother Tongue beyond the classroom.
Curriculum Framework:
The framework is built upon the three objectives (Communication, Culture, and Connection) and encompasses Content (Language Skills, Language Knowledge, Cultural Values), Pedagogy, and Assessment.
- Language Skills: Focuses on developing competency in listening, reading, speaking, writing, spoken interaction, and written interaction.
- Language Knowledge: Encompasses Linguistics (phonology, orthography, lexicon, grammar, text knowledge) and Pragmatics (cultural references, registers, varieties, functional purposes).
- Cultural Values: Integrates the learning of positive values and promotes good character development through themes related to relationships, family, and community, using cultural and contemporary stories.
Key Features and Enhancements (from the 2011 syllabus):
- Deliberate Infusion of Cultural Knowledge: Systematically incorporates cultural elements (Material Civilisation, Behaviour & System, Values & Philosophies) with differentiated instruction to cater to varying proficiency levels.
- Greater Exposure to Literary Texts: Increases the proportion of literary texts, especially at lower secondary levels, to cultivate a joy of reading and prepare students for higher-level literature studies.
- Use of Contemporary Issues and Current Affairs (CI & CA): Contextualizes learning using authentic materials like news articles and social media posts, categorized by themes and proficiency levels.
- Greater Integration of ICT: Utilizes technology-based resources (videos, games, interactive lessons) for enhanced interactivity and customized learning, with about 30% of the curriculum comprising non-print digital materials.
Curriculum Differentiation (G1, G2, G3, and Higher Mother Tongue):
The curriculum offers different courses (G1, G2, G3, and Higher Mother Tongue) with varying emphases to cater to students' diverse learning paces and needs. (Specific details on the differences between G1, G2, and G3 within the document were not readily available in the scraped content.)
Curriculum Time:
The document indicates that the exact number of hours per week depends on the number of subjects offered at the Upper Secondary levels. It does not provide specific hour allocations for Mother Tongue.
Emphasizes joyful and meaningful learning experiences incorporating 21st Century Competencies. Key pedagogical approaches include:
- Learner-Centred Mindset: Focusing on individual student needs and utilizing effective questioning techniques.
- Collaborative Learning: Promoting interaction and communication through activities like peer reviews, group presentations, and collaborative writing.
- Effective Use of E-Pedagogy: Utilizing technology to enhance learning through blended learning approaches and active learning processes.
- Incorporation of Authentic Materials: Using real-world materials like internet postings, videos, and news articles to develop critical thinking and language skills.
- Contextualized Discussion on Culture and Literary Texts: Relating cultural aspects and literary themes to students' own contexts and experiences.
- Learning Beyond the Classroom: Encouraging participation in community-based language events and leveraging resources from Mother Tongue Language Learning and Promotion Committees.
Adopts a learner-centred and balanced assessment philosophy encompassing both Assessment of Learning (summative) and Assessment for Learning (formative). Key aspects include:
- Clarity of Purpose: Aligning assessment methods with learning outcomes.
- Variety of Assessment Modes: Utilizing various methods, including weighted assessments, alternative assessments (speeches, debates, role-play), and ICT platforms.
- Authentic Assessment: Designing tasks that reflect real-world language use, such as writing formal emails.
- Encouraging Reflection: Promoting self-assessment and peer-assessment for metacognitive development and interpersonal skills.
- Towards Lifelong Learning: Emphasizing that national examinations are a checkpoint in lifelong language learning, not the end goal. Focuses on developing assessment literacy among teachers.