Singapore Secondary Malay Language One AI
Singapore Secondary 1 Malay Language G1This information is based on the 2021 Singapore Secondary Mother Tongue Languages syllabus, implemented for the 2021 Secondary 1 cohort. IntroductionThe syllabus aims to develop students into active and proficient users of Malay, focusing on Communication, Culture, and Connection. It builds upon the foundation established in primary school, enhancing listening, speaking, reading, writing, and interaction skills. Students engage with cultural and literary materials to develop global and cross-cultural awareness, and apply language skills in real-world situations. Guiding PrinciplesThe syllabus adheres to these principles: 1. Explicit and differentiated instruction of language skills and knowledge. 2. Systematic integration of culture and values. 3. Utilizing technology and community partners to extend learning beyond the classroom. ContentSyllabus FrameworkThe framework centers around engaging students in joyful learning, developing them into active learners and proficient users of Malay. The framework comprises Language Skills, Language Knowledge, and Cultural Values.
Key FeaturesThe 2021 syllabus enhances the 2011 version with: 1. Cultural Knowledge and Appreciation: Systematically infuses cultural components (Material Civilisation, Behaviour & System, and Values & Philosophies) with supporting resources and training for teachers. 2. Engagement with Literary Texts: Increases the proportion of literary texts, especially at lower secondary levels, to foster a joy of reading and prepare students for higher-level literature studies. 3. Contemporary Issues and Current Affairs: Utilizes authentic contexts and resources categorized by themes and tailored to student needs and proficiency levels. Dedicated class time is allocated for reading and discussion. 4. Integration of ICT: Employs ICT-based resources (videos, games, interactive lessons) for enhanced interactivity and customized learning. Approximately 30% of the curriculum comprises non-print digital materials. Learning OutcomesThe syllabus aligns with the 21st Century Competencies framework, covering Communication, Collaboration and Information Skills; Civic Literacy, Global Awareness and Cross-Cultural Skills; and Critical and Inventive Thinking Skills. Curriculum DifferentiationFour courses (G1, G2, G3, and Higher Mother Tongue) cater to diverse student needs and learning paces. Curriculum TimeWeekly curriculum time varies depending on the course and the number of subjects offered at the upper secondary levels. PedagogyThe syllabus emphasizes joyful and meaningful learning experiences incorporating 21st Century Competencies. Key pedagogical approaches include:
AssessmentAssessment is integral to the learning process and is both diagnostic and ongoing. It informs teaching practices and motivates self-directed learning. Key aspects include:
ConclusionThe revised syllabus aims to equip students with practical language skills, deeper understanding of issues, and the motivation to continue learning Malay beyond formal schooling. |