Project Work (H1)

Project Work (PW) is a compulsory H1 subject for all first-year Junior College (JC1) students in Singapore. It aims to equip students with the skills to synthesize knowledge from different areas of learning and apply it to real-world situations. The subject emphasizes collaborative learning, communication, and independent learning, preparing students for the challenges of the future.


The H1 Project Work syllabus outlines the subject's intent, learning outcomes, and assessment methods. The syllabus emphasizes four key learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge Application: Students learn to connect different areas of knowledge, generate ideas, and evaluate information to apply these skills to their projects.
  • Communication: Students develop effective communication skills to present ideas clearly and coherently, both orally and in writing.
  • Collaboration: Students acquire teamwork skills by working together towards shared goals.
  • Independent Learning: Students develop the ability to learn independently, reflect on their learning process, and take steps to improve it.


Project Work assessment evaluates how well students achieve the learning outcomes. Students work in groups of 4-5 on a broad project task, typically over 28 weeks (60-75 hours). Assessment components include:

  • Written Report (40%): A group submission (2500-3000 words) based on the completed project, assessing knowledge application and written communication.
  • Insights and Reflections (10%): An individual reflection (maximum 500 words) analyzing and evaluating the ideas generated during the project.
  • Oral Presentation (50%): Individual and group presentations (25-30 minutes per group, with at least 5 minutes per student) assessing oral communication skills and the overall effectiveness of the presentation. A group mark is awarded for the overall organization and coherence of the presentation, while individual marks are based on clarity, audience awareness, and responses to questions.

The assessment framework weighs individual performance (49%) and group work (51%). Collaboration and independent learning are not directly assessed but are integral to the learning process.

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