Slovakia Gymnasium Physics Curriculum - Example based on Gymnázium Šrobárova's IB Diploma Programme

This curriculum outline is based on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Higher Level Physics curriculum offered at Gymnázium Šrobárova in Košice, Slovakia. It may not perfectly represent the standard Slovakia Gymnasium 1. ročník Physics curriculum, but serves as a detailed example.

Year 1

  • Measurement and Uncertainties:
      • Measurement in physics
      • Uncertainties and errors
      • Vectors and scalars
  • Mechanics:
      • Motion
      • Forces
      • Work, energy, and power
      • Momentum
  • Circular Motion and Gravity:
      • Circular motion
      • Newton's law of gravitation
  • Thermal Physics:
      • Temperature and energy changes
      • Modeling a gas
  • Engineering Physics:
      • Rigid bodies and rotational dynamics
      • Thermodynamics
      • Fluids and fluid dynamics (AHL)
      • Forced vibrations and resonance (AHL)
  • Oscillations and Waves:
      • Oscillations
      • Travelling waves
      • Wave characteristics
      • Wave behaviour
      • Standing waves
  • Wave Phenomena (AHL):
      • Simple harmonic motion
      • Single-slit diffraction
      • Interference
      • Resolution
      • The Doppler effect
  • Practical Work:
      • Practical activities
      • Group 4 project

Year 2

  • Electricity and Magnetism:
      • Electric fields
      • Heating effect of an electric current
      • Electric cells
      • Magnetic effects of electric currents
  • Fields (AHL):
      • Describing fields
      • Fields at work
  • Electromagnetic Induction (AHL):
      • Electromagnetic induction
      • Power generation and transmission
      • Capacitance
  • Energy Production:
      • Energy sources
      • Thermal energy transfer
  • Atomic, Particle, and Nuclear Physics:
      • Discrete energy and radioactivity
      • Nuclear reactions
      • The structure of matter
  • Quantum and Nuclear Physics (AHL):
      • The interaction of matter with radiation
      • Nuclear physics
  • Practical Work:
      • Practical activities
      • Internal Assessment (IA)

Key Features and Activities:

  • Group 4 Project: A collaborative project involving students from different science subjects (physics, chemistry, biology). Students develop research skills, experimental design, data analysis, and communication skills.
  • Practical Work: Extensive practical activities are integrated throughout the course, utilizing various tools and technologies, including the COACH 7 universal environment for data measurement, analysis, and processing. Experiments cover a wide range of topics, from mechanics and thermal physics to electricity and magnetism.
  • Internal Assessment (IA): A significant independent research project conducted in Year 2.
  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Links: The curriculum incorporates connections to TOK, exploring the nature of knowledge and how it relates to physics concepts. For example, the study of oscillations and waves can be linked to discussions about how different areas of knowledge, such as music and physics, use different approaches to describe sound.
  • International Mindedness: The curriculum promotes international mindedness by exploring topics from different cultural perspectives. For example, the study of circular motion and gravitation can be linked to discussions about international collaboration in space exploration.
  • Development of the IB Learner Profile: The curriculum aims to develop attributes of the IB learner profile, such as being inquirers, thinkers, communicators, and reflectors, through various activities and investigations.

This outline provides a comprehensive overview of the example physics curriculum, highlighting the key topics, practical work, and overarching aims of the program.