Slovakia Primary School 3rd Grade Curriculum - English Language


The Slovak education system consists of 10 years of compulsory school attendance. Primary school is divided into two stages: grades 1-4 (ISCED 1) and grades 5-9 (ISCED 2). English is commonly taught as a foreign language, often starting in 3rd grade. A new curriculum was implemented in September 2023 for primary and lower secondary education.

Curriculum Details:

Specific details about the 3rd-grade English language curriculum are not readily available. However, general information about primary education can be found on the website of the National Institute for Education: This institute plays a key role in curriculum development and implementation in Slovakia. Additional information on the Slovak education system can be found through Eurydice: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), where subjects are taught in English, is also present in Slovak primary schools.