Slovakia 8th Grade Primary School Subjects - Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

The Slovak education system follows a two-level model consisting of state and school levels. Education is compulsory for ten years, from ages 6 to 16. Primary school (základná škola) comprises Grades 1 to 9, with Grades 1-4 (ISCED Level 1) and Grades 5-9 (ISCED Level 2).

While the specific 8th-grade science curriculum isn't readily available, science subjects are generally divided into biology, chemistry, and physics. Biology may include botany, animal biology, human biology, geology, and environmental studies.

The Slovak Ministry of Education ( oversees the education system and sets the framework for student learning objectives. Schools have some autonomy in developing their curricula within this framework. Several documents on the Ministry website refer to curriculum development and implementation, including the "Štátny vzdelávací program" (State Educational Program). This program outlines the general framework for education at different levels, but the specific content for 8th-grade science isn't detailed in the publicly available documents.